lxii. | dinner with the boss

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DOROTTYA CAME BACK INSIDE VERY LATE AT NIGHT. Vision was probably home and dinner was probably cooked for the special evening that was marked on their calendar.

Frowning when she found no food was cooked, Dorottya looked around the kitchen to see if Wanda hid the food somewhere to actually surprise them with her food cooking skills.

Instead of finding the food, she found Vision walking into the kitchen.

"Dorottya, there is-" he cut himself off when Dorottya bent over and looked underneath the table. "What are you doing, dear?"

Dorottya gasped and stood up, looking back at Vision and turning around. "Nothing. . . nothing at all." she replied.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "I, uh, well, uh, have you seen Wanda?"

"Last time I saw her was when you left for work," Dorottya answered. Vision huffed. "What's wrong?" she placed her hand on his chest, searching his eyes for any sign that would give away his emotions and the problem that was troubling him.

"It appears we were not on the same page. . . we thought tonight was an anniversary, but it isn't," he said, looking deep into her eyes. "My boss and my boss' wife have come over for dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Harr. That's why the date is circled. . ."

Dorottya looked at the counter. So, their anniversary wasn't today, it was another day. Today was the dinner with Vision's boss and his boss' wife tonight.

"Where is Wanda though?" he asked again.

She pulled away from him. "Like I said, I don't know. I was gardening all day today."

Vision huffed in annoyance and stormed out of the kitchen into the living room. Vision yelled Wanda's name, then they walked into the kitchen. Dorottya furrowed her eyebrows, hands on her hips.

"Who are those people?" Wanda demanded. Dorottya looked Wanda over to see she was wearing a seductive dress.

"Uh, the dress-" Dorottya began.

"What are you wearing?" Vision questioned Wanda.

Wanda didn't answer him. "Why are they here?" she asked.

"What are you wearing?"

"Well, it's our anniversary!"

"Our anniversary of what?"

"Marriage?" Dorottya piped up.

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