lxxx. | the scarlet witch

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APPLE BLOSSOMS FELL to the floor when Dorottya touched some of the petals on a tree to smell the sweet flower. The flower scattered around the green grass Wanda kept around. Apple blossoms were the sign of life, the sign to show that life is long but nothing is sweeter than the life continuing on after death. Dorottya felt like these flowers were Wanda's renewal. Wanda wasn't the same person she was in Westview, Wanda changed after everything went down, after they lost their make believe children, after they lost their make believe home and after they lost Vision for the second time.

Dorottya bent down and picked it up, fiddling with it in between her fingers, twirling it in both hands. She saw Wanda trimming the tree branches with her shears in the distance. A hole that was left in Dorottya's heart was being mended when she saw the woman she fell in love with all those years ago. A piece of her was back in place. She may lived without Wanda for most of her life, but Wanda was her other half and there was no one else, apart from the hole Vision left, she would rather have to be her other half.

Stephen had his hands in his pockets as he walked to her. Dorottya hung behind him a little. "Apples, right?" he asked Wanda.

Confused, Wanda turned around. Her gaze held its own with Dorottya. The Rakoczy woman giving the Maximoff woman a small wave, her lips fixated into a sharp smile. "Eventually, yes." she held the branch out to Stephen, a tad confused, her eyes never leaving Dorottya. Dorottya looked at the ground, staring at the pinkish reddish blossoms on the branch.

He sniffed the flowers on the branch. "Smells. . ."

"Sweet." Wanda was looking at the ground.

"I was gonna say real." he jabbed at her, the branch swaying with his small movements. Dorottya stepped closer to the two to indulge in the conversation a bit more than she was. She didn't really say hi to Wanda. All she did was give her a smile and wave to her. It wasn't some epic reunion like most have in their little sitcoms, reunions Wanda probably always dreamed of but might never have for the rest of her life.

Wanda lightly chuckled, drawing in a few breath's of air. "It's all real, thanks. I've put the magic behind me." she informed the two, mostly for Dorottya who didn't like the way she used her powers on the people in Westview and on Dorottya herself. She wanted everything to be real for when Dorottya found her again. She hoped her love was proud of her.

Dorottya looked Wanda in the eye, dropping the tree branch to the ground with a smile. "Even if you did magic still, it wouldn't matter. Not like you're using it to kidnap people." she reminded Wanda.

Wanda sighed. "Yeah," she glanced out to the distance, putting the shears in her jacket pocket. "Well, I knew sooner or later you'd show up wanting to discuss what happened at Westview," she looked at Stephen, swallowing thickly. "I made mistakes and people were hurt-"

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