Day 5: "Insane"

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I thought that combat class was going to be fun. Though, now that I think about it, I don't know why I ever thought that. First off, Hunt practically forced me into being his sparring partner, and now the Mute Master is giving us some insane project.

I look down at the paper that he gave out, my brows furrowing. This doesn't make any sense. Apparently, everyone is given a specific person and some information about what they saw and what they are good at. I don't know. Then, we are supposed to find other people around the school that have other clues or something. And we are supposed to figure out the mystery.

All of the seniors and juniors have to participate. It tests our ability to take in information, use what we have learned from school, and solve the puzzle. I guess they think that if we can solve freaking mysteries then we can solve anything. This school is insane.

I walk over to Hunt who looks just as confused as I am. "What did you get?" I ask, snatching his card from his hand.

"I have no idea," he says, running a hand through his hair.

I read it over quickly. It says that he is a policeman and at work one day he gets a call from a hysterical woman, saying that she saw a demon and that someone is bleeding out. He gets to the scene and needs to staple her leg, putting the guy that's bleeding out into an ambulance. Then, he takes the woman in for questioning but she doesn't say anything. The case goes cold for two years before someone else ends up dead in the same way as the woman's best friends were found. Maximus Tertian.

"So, basically, you have no information?" I ask, chuckling. "Though, lucky for you, I may be the hysterical woman you are looking for."

He shakes his head. "What does your card say, then, Bryce?"

I read my card outloud. "You go partying one night and when you get back to your apartment, the door is open and there's blood everywhere. Looking inside, you see all of your friends lying on the floor. Dead. Behind you, you hear a rustling and when you turn around, you see a blur racing down the stairs you just came up. You grab your sword and race after it.

"You catch it in an alleyway, a grey demon standing before a man, his chest ripped open while the demon feeds on his insides. You whack the demon away with your sword, but it rips open your leg before fleeing into the night. You grab the man's phone, calling the police. Later, when you are all stitched up, you are interrogated by the police, but you don't give them any information as you are still in shock."

"Hel," Hunt says, laughing. "Why is your card so gruesome?"

"I don't know, but at least I know way more than you do." I flip my ponytail over my shoulder. "Just like in real life."

He shakes his head, rolling his eyes. "So I found my hysterical woman. I wonder who the guy that was bleeding out is? Is he even alive?"

I shrug. "I have no idea. What are we even supposed to do now?" I glance around the gym. Everyone else is staring down at their cards and asking others who and what they know. It seems that only me and Hunt have matched up.

The Mute Master stands by a big portable white board, using it to give us directions. Now, it says that the fictional library on the second floor has clues in some of the books. Though, if we have any specific questions like what our character did earlier that day, we should ask Bryaxis who is the librarian in that library. The only downside is that we are not allowed to ask Bryaxis if they know who plays a certain character. We must find that person ourselves.

Plus, the teachers are playing, too.

I know, this school is insane.

. . .

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