Confirmation (5)

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The next morning,

"Good morning loser!" Carlos said, then he jumped on top of me. "Ow! What did you that for?!" I said, then I shoved Carlos off me. "Bruh I'm bored, you wanna go skating?" Carlos asked me, while I rubbed my eyes. I grabbed my phone and it was seven thirty in the morning. "It's way to early for that, go back to bed." I said,then Carlos laid down in the bed next to me. "Here I thought you living with me would be fun." Carlos said, then he got under the covers with me.

I wasn't even asleep for five minutes, and Carlos was already waking me up again. "You wanna go out now? We don't even have to go skating, I just wanna get out the house." Carlos said, then I rolled my eyes. "Fuck you Carlos, really fuck you." I said, then I angrily got out the bed. I went in the bathroom so go pee and brush my teeth. As soon as I sat on the toilet, Carlos bursted in the bathroom. "Hey are you good with eating cereal for breakfast?" Carlos asked, while I grabbed toilet tissue from the roll.

"Sure why not," I said, then Carlos left the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, then I left the bathroom. "Hey good morning, how are you doing?" Yazmin asked me, she's Carlos's older sister. "I'm doing better than yesterday, so I guess that's something." I said, then I sat at the table next to Yazmin.

"That's good, and don't worry you won't be in Carlos's room for long. I'm moving in with my fiancé in a few weeks, so once I'm gone my space is all yours." Yazmin said, then I chuckled. "I still can't believe you're getting married. It seems like just the other day we were getting yelled out for stealing your moms makeup." I said, then we both started laughing. It was nice talking to Yazmin it made me feel normal almost.

"I remember that, and then your grandma wouldn't let you hang out with me for weeks." Yazmin said, then I smiled while reminiscing the past. "Man she used to be super strict, Ugh I'm gonna miss her like crazy. Besides you guys, she was the only real family I had. Now that she's just gone, I just feel so alone you know." I said, then Yazmin gently placed her hand on top on mine. "Is she having a funeral?" Yazmin asked, then I shook my head no.

"I don't know if you know this but we were kind of poor. Your mom is handling most the legalities like the house, and everything else. And there's pretty much no money left for a funeral or service. So she and the rest of the folks on the block set up a little memorial in front of the house." I said, then Yazmin squeezed my hand.

"I'm sorry, and I don't want you to feel like you're alone cause you're not. Not only do you have my family and Carlos, you have Miguel, and your little friends from the skatepark." Yazmin said, then I let a sigh out. "Yeah you're a little late, I don't really talk to anyone from the skatepark anymore. And me and Miguel aren't on the best of terms. So basically I only really have Carlos, but it's all good." I said, then Yazmin looked at me with a puzzled gaze on her face.

"What's going on with you and Miguel?" Yazmin asked, then Carlos walked in the kitchen. "Bro what the hell are you doing, I've been waiting for you outside for forever." Carlos said, then he folded his arms and glared at me. "Dude you didn't even tell me you were going outside. I thought you were gonna make us cereal or something?" I asked, then Carlos's eyes went wide.

"Shit I completely forgot about that, my bad." Carlos said, then Yazmin picked up a sheet of paper then handed it to him. "The fuck is this puta?" Carlos asked, Yazmin then he looked at the paper. "Mama and papa said to go grocery shopping while they're at work." Yazmin said,  then Carlos rolled his eyes at her. "Can't you or Linda go, I always have to go grocery shopping." Carlos said to Yazmin, then he folded his arms.

"I can come with you if you want." I said, then Carlos's face lit up. "Where's the car keys Yazmin?" Carlos asked, then Yazmin tossed the keys to Carlos.

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