What a day... A great day with Spike
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DonnaxTroia - your dog doesn't seem to like you much????
Timothyy. Drakes - yah donna has a point Dick?! Maybe yoh should give it back to the proper owners.
Official. Dickgrayson - meh.. I love dogs... And little spikey here will get use to me.
It's.yr.gurl.Cassie - frrrt the authority 😒😒😒in bat boys.
The@Red. JT - I'm sorry Cassie??? Us batboys have authority and dominice 😕??
The@Redheadgurl - your ego is bigger than your brain.
The@Red.JT - I can't believe you think of us that way.
Timotheyyy. drakes - yeah it's unbelievable I'm not that arrogant.
It's.yr.gurl.Cassie - Tim you are so arrogant it irraties the shit outta me like I sometimes fantasize of taking my lasso and killing you with it. Seriously 🤧.
Official.Dickgrayson - you wondergirl are weird 🤕.
The@Redheadgurl - says the guy who use to walk around in green underpants and elf boots 😏😏😏.
Timothyyyy.drake - wait?? What!!! Dick is that true.
Official.Dickgrayson went offline due to bad connection.
DonnaxTroia - you guys embarrassed the poor guy.
The@Red.JT - 😢 he's crying like crazy right now but... Now the old Robin costume is stuck in my head... Damn Artimus why did you have to bring that up 🤕🤕🤕
The@Redheadgurl - 😏🤣I have a very straight forward personality.
It's.yr.gurl.Cassie - Oh batboys? All Amazons do
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