Chapter 1

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Louis P.O.V

I just finished footie practice and walked off the field. I ran to the locker room to grab my stuff and rush out to meet El. Me and Eleanor have been best friends since year 6. She's co-captain of the schools cheer team with a girl called Perrie. Perries very nice and hooks up with my other bestfriend Zayn off and on. I pushed my way through the sweaty boys till I reached Liam who was getting changed by his locker.

"Yo Payno have you see Z?"

"I think he's in the showers, not sure" he said not looking me in the eye.....weird. See I'm the captain of the footie team and Liam and Zayn are co co captains. So when im not at practice (rarely happens) or I'm busy helping someone, the team goes to one of them for help or with questions. Liam is planning on going into the army and is apart of some junior army group thing that I guess prepares you to get your head shot off, I dont know. So its very odd for him not to look me in the eye when im talking. He treats me like a captain, like im superior, not in a bad way he just shows me alot of respect. Sometimes even says shit like sir yes sir. Zayns never been like that cause we've been friends since year 9. I wonder if Liams okay..... I got knocked out of my trance when I noticed the clock on the wall.

"Oh shit thanks Payno ill talk to you later im gonna be late to meet El." I ran into the showers.


"WHAT!" I heard as a naked Zayn ran out of one of the last stalls. "IS HE OKAY!?"

"Yeah he's fine his foots fine, I just didn't feel like waiting for you to take your time to walk out of the shower." I said giggling at his current state. He was completely naked hair stuck to his forehead from being wet and he had an alarmed look on his face that quickly turned into an annoyed face.

"Oh fuck you Tommo I know you just wanted to see all thissss" he said with a smirk as he made an exaggerated wave up and down his nude body.

"Trust me Zaynie boy your not my type." I said with a giggle. Zayn is everyone's type and he knows it, but we've surprisingly never hooked up. See Zayn is the only person im out to and as far as I know im the only person hes out to too. Not even El knows. I've never met Els parents or family and I dont even know what they look like or if she has any siblings. She's always been very protective of her house, I've never been inside, she's always come over mine. I've always been too afraid to come out to her because what if she's hiding that she's actually a homephobe or something.

"Mhm sure" Z said with a smile. "Whatcha need Lou?" He said still standing their naked.

"Well for one put on a towel." I said grabbing a towel and snapping it at him till he grabbed it and put it around his waist with a laugh. "Do you need a ride home? I gotta meet El like now to drive her home."

"Yeah sure lemme just put on clothes."

"Okay ill meet you outside at my car, usual spot." He nodded and I made my way out to where I always meet El. Right outside the gates to the footie field. When I got closer she was walking up not paying attention so I ran and threw her over my shoulder before she could even realize who it was or what was happening I spun her around giggling.

"Ugh Louuuuu put me down your all sweaty and smell like a gym sock gross" she said but giggled all the way through the sentence. I carried her to my 2020 Jeep truck and threw her into the passenger side of the bright orange vehicle. "Your such an ass" she said with a loud laugh as she landed.

"He is what he eats" I heard from behind me.

"You wish Zaynie, your just mad im immune to your charm." I said with a wink and a laugh. No one ever thinks anything of me and Zayn joking about being gay because we do it with everyone. "Get in Losers we're going home" I said slightly changing the mean girls quote and closing Els door. I jumped in my side throwing my bag in the back seat as Zayn got in. I grabbed my sunglasses from the visor over my head putting it down and putting them on. Then as I started my truck I grabbed the two other pairs I keep in my center console for the two drama queens. I handed them off then started the journey to Els house.

When we got to Els house I gave her a hug and she got out of the car.

"Thanks for the ride Lou I'll see you later. See ya Zayn." She said leaning back in to kiss my cheek then closing the door.

"Dude she wants you. To bad your gayyyyyyyy" Zayn said as he climbed into the front.

"Oh zayn dont be cra........zy" I ended crazy much quieter when I saw him. A tall boy probably our age maybe a little younger, with dark brown curly hair in a sort of fringe.....hes beautiful.

" to Louis" zayn said waving his hand in my face.

"Z.....look" I said pointing at the boy as he finished the flower crown he was making in the front patch of garden. It was some bright green and blue flowers. He sat the crown upon his head and it looks beautiful in his head full of curls.

"Holy shit...hes beautiful" Zayn said staring. The boy turned around waving only for a second before El came back outside slaping his waving hand down grabbing it quite roughly and dragged him inside slamming the door. "...that was weird" Z said after we heard the loud slam.

"Yeah....weirds an understatement, you coming to my house or am I taking you home?"

"Your house" Zayn said in a sing song way. And we were off, the whole way back to the house I couldn't help wonder 'who was that boy?', 'why did El act that way with him?' 'I need to meet him.'

Word Count:1097

Authors note
Hi guys. So I decided to write this kind of at random and I hope you guys liked the first chapter. Don't forget to comment and let me know how you all liked it.

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