Chapter 19 - Blake

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"Are you serious? You've never played any Halo game before?" Micheal's voice was dripping with astonishment.

"Yeah, I've never really wanted to either." I laughed a little at the idiotic look on Micheal's face.

"Man!" Micheal shot Alexis a can-you-believe-this-guy look and all she did was smile faintly and shake her head slightly. "Well, as soon as this...whatever it is is over, I'm definitely playing them with you." Micheal and I have really bonded this last 20 minutes of driving. They had told me their plan to leave the city and I agreed with it. And after seeing that big group of those monsters, I think leaving the city is the best idea I've heard all day.

The car grew silent as Micheal finally shut his mouth for the first time since getting in this car. I knew that Micheal had been scratched and those CEDA people said that he was going to turn into one of those infected, I think that's what CEDA called them, but Alexis said that he's probably good. Considering how sick my sister was before she...changed, I think Micheal's fine. He didn't look sick at all and he didn't act sick either.

I sighed internally, wishing that Sarah was still here. She never did anything to deserve a death as horrible as what she got. I guess no one really did.

"Hey, man," Micheal asked, concern evident in his tone. "Are you alright?" I guess I hadn't realized how sad I was starting to look. Thinking about Sarah just brings up too much painful memories, even though it had only happened this morning.

"Yeah, yeah no I'm fine." I lied. Get it together! I told myself. You need to drive to the airport! Don't break down now!

"I can drive, if you want." Alexis offered from the backseat. Maybe that was the best idea. With everything that's happened, Alexis seems to be the most capable one here.

"Yeah, sure." I said, pulling over to the side of the road. I guess that was unnecessary since there was no one else on the road. I got out and took Alexis' spot in the back and she took the keys. Just as she was starting up the vehicle, the sound of a running engine rang out. We looked behind us and saw a black Jeep ripping down the highway. As crazy as it seems, that Jeep seemed almost hopeful. More people were still in the city and were still alive. That seems like a good thing to me.

The Jeep slowed down next to us on the road and the passenger side rolled down the window. Inside the passenger seat was a man in his late twenties with a serious look on his face. He was wearing a black jacket and a white T-shirt that had a big spot of blood on it. When he turned to face the window, I could see the shirt had a couple of claw marks through it. I couldn't really see the driver from here.

"Hey. Are you guys headed to the airport for evacuation by any chance?" The guy in the passenger seat asked. Confused, Alexis looked at all of us.

"Yes. Why?" She answered.

"We wanted to make sure you knew about the evacuation." The passenger seat guy said.

"Are anyone of you infected?" The guy from the drivers seat shouted so we could hear him.

"Uh, we don't think so." Alexis answered. "Our friend got scratched, but I don't think he's getting sick from it."' The driver and passenger seat guy looked at each other at when she said that.

"Do you mind if we take a look? I'm a doctor." The driver guy asked. Micheal nodded and so Alexis answered with a "Yes." Everyone got out of their vehicles and we all met in the middle of the road.

"I'm Devon." The passenger seat guy introduced himself. "And this is Edward Swindle." He gestured to the driver.

"I'm Blake," I replied. "These are my friends Alexis and Micheal." We all kind of waved at each other awkwardly and then Edward walked over to Micheal to check his wounds.

"This all sounds too easy." I heard Alexis say to Devon. "The whole "Leave the city and be safe" thing. I mean, I want it to work and all, but I doubt it'll be as simple as that." Devon nodded, thinking hard.

"The Green Flu might already have spread beyond the city." Devon said. "I've had to fight a lot of those infected people to get here and I doubt the sickness will just stay in the city."

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you get those scratches?" I asked Devon, thinking I already knew the answer.

"One of those creatures got me." He explained. "But I won't turn into one of them, don't worry." He quickly added.

"How do you know?" Alexis wondered aloud.

"Well, the doc over there," He pointed at Edward. "Knows a lot about the Flu and he said that he isn't sure what it's targeting exactly, but he thinks there could be a chance that I don't have whatever everyone else has that's getting sick. If that makes any sense."

"Maybe Micheal is like that too." Alexis said hopefully.

"Yeah, you've had this scratch all morning and you don't feel sick at all?" Edward asked.

"No, I feel just fine." Micheal answered, a smile creeping onto his face.

"Don't get too excited, there's a chance that you could still turn." Edward lectured in a stern tone. "But I don't think it'll happen anytime soon." Everyone was silent for a moment after that happy announcement.

"...How much do you want to bet there'll be more infected at the airport?" Devon asked, breaking the silence.

"That's a good point." I agreed.

"I'm sure we could take them." Alexis said pulling out her gun. "I've got a pistol and Micheal's got a bat. Blake has his crowbar. What do you guys have? You must have some weapon at this point?" Devon and Edward pulled out their own pistols.

"We don't have much ammo left though." Devon mentioned.

"It'll have to do." I opened the back seat of my car and climbed in. "We have to get out of this city before it gets any worse. We'll meet you at the airport?" Devon nodded and everyone got back in their vehicles. Alexis started driving and Edward's Jeep wasn't far behind.

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