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Two Years Later

"You look stunning," Nathan whispered to me from across the aisle.

"Shh," I responded but a blush still formed on my cheeks. "We have to listen or else we won't know what to do tomorrow."

Nathan waved his hand in dismissal. "I could do this in my sleep."

I rolled my eyes and was about to respond but Darian cut in, looking rather annoyed. "Okay, yes you could do this in your sleep and yes, Audrey, you look stunning even though you're only wearing leggings and a hoodie but I'm get married in less than twenty-four hours and I am freaking out so would you two shut up?!"

Nathan and I exchanged a look and only nodded lamely back at Darian in response, meanwhile, Justin was clearly trying to hold in his laughter by putting his hand to his mouth and the priest just looked completely lost.

We got back on track with how the ceremony was supposed to go and I could Darian was visibly relaxing as he was gaining all the information he needed to know for tomorrow in order for everything to go perfectly. Nathan still tried to steal the occasional glance at me and make some sort of comment but I quickly and quietly would get him to stop before Darian would notice. Samara was behind us but she looked almost as focused as Darian did - as if she'd end anyone who would get in the way of the wedding.

Soon, the rehearsal was done and we could finally get to the dinner. As we walked out of the church Darian clapped his hands. "Well, that was fun. I could definitely eat."


If we thought Darian was an anxious mess yesterday, he was a million times worse today. First, he had a mental breakdown because he couldn't find his tux, forgetting that I kept it in mine and Nathan's room because Darian kept trying it on and had a close encounter with Justin's hair dye. Probably wasn't Darian's smartest idea to try on his tux when Justin was dying his hair. Then, he started to panic because he thought I didn't have my maid of honour dress that his mother specially picked out for me. After reassuring him that I had both the dress and the tux, Darian stopped panicking and started to actually get excited about the wedding rather than stressed.

We were in the changing room, getting ready and Darian was babbling non-stop. "I can't wait to marry Justin, it's crazy how far we've come, you know? He makes me the happiest guy on the planet, I swear he does."

I helped Darian put on his tux jacket and nodded my head sweetly. "I know, Dar. I'm glad you are so happy with him, you deserve a lifetime of happiness."

Darian stared at my reflection in the mirror and smiled. "You do too Audrey, especially with my brother," he added with a wink.

I laughed and patted my friend on the shoulders. "The time will come when the time will come."

Darian turned around and looked at me up and down, inspecting the dress I was wearing. It was a light blue chiffon dress with a v-neckline. It was beautiful and I could tell Darian's mother put a lot of thought into both the dress and the wedding preparation. "You look beautiful, Nathan is lucky to have you."

I smiled back brightly at him, "Thank you. Now, it's time to get this show on the road!"

Samara came in with our bouquets and a beaming smile. "The boys look amazing! Nathan cleans up nicely, I have to say, Audrey. And Justin looks-"

"No! No spoilers!" Darian cut her off, covering his ears. "I want to be surprised!"

Samara and I rolled our eyes and she handed me the bouquet of calla lilies. We head down towards the doors of the church. Nathan and Hayden, Justin's groomsmen, stood at the doors and Nathan clapped his brother on the shoulder. "You look good, bro. The white brings out your baby blues."

Darian looked down at his all-white tux. "You don't think it's too much? Mom kind of went overboard."

"You look perfect," Nathan stated and hooked an arm through mine.

Hayden followed suit with Samara and Nathan's and Darian's mom came and grasped Darian's left arm, while Darian's father grasped his right. The music began to play and Nathan and I began to walk down the aisle and I felt incredibly nervous, seeing the hundreds of eyes on us as we walked. I leaned slightly in and whispered. "Don't let me fall, Darian will kill me."

Nathan chuckled to himself and replied. "Don't worry, princess. You're not going anywhere."


While Darian was away on his honeymoon with Justin for the next three weeks, Nathan was closing the bar nearly every night. He was counting the cash and organizing the receipts while I sat on the counter, waiting for him to finish. Ever since Ed had left the bar to him, Nathan went back to college for business. I had never seen him so passionate about something, even more passionate than boxing, which he had stopped doing at the run-down gym, but rather an actual gym, where he taught kids on weekends. I smiled as I watched him, his eyebrows furrowed as he counted. When he was done, he looked up at me with a smirk. "Like what you see?"

"Always," I grinned, hopping off the bar, making my way to him. I grabbed him by the back of his neck and kissed him, Nathan grinning against my lips.

He pulled back and cupped my cheek, his smiling dazzling. "God, you're so beautiful."

I blushed at his words. Even after being with him for nearly three years, he still managed to make me blush. I took a look at him, inspecting him from head to toe and shrugged. "You're not too bad, yourself."

Nathan feigned hurt by clutching his chest. "You hurt me, Princess."

I rolled my eyes. "You know I love you."

Nathan chuckled and kissed me once more. "Want a drink before we go?"

I nodded my head. I spent the whole day writing until my brain was numb, so a drink was welcomed. I turned on my heel and plopped down at my usual stool at the counter, the one I always sat at to keep Nathan company when I wasn't in class or when I was marking papers for the class I was a TA for. I tapped on the bar while Nathan fixed me a drink, which I suspected would be a mojito. Ever since he had made me that drink at Samara's party a few years ago, he had taken to making them for me ever since. Sometimes, he would spice it up and add different flavours to it. After a moment, Nathan placed the drink in front of me, which I took gratefully. I arched a brow when I noted his nervous demeanour. "Is this another experimental mojito?"

Nathan's lips twitched upward. "Something like that."

I looked down at the drink and back up at him, but I quickly looked back down when I noticed something glittering on top of the ice. I took a closer look, it was a ring. When I looked back up, Nathan was on my side of the bar. He plucked the ring from the glass and got down on one knee, gripping the ring tight. My breath got caught in my throat when I realized what was happening.

"Audrey," Nathan started and then paused, trying to carry on through his nerves. "We met three years ago today, at this spot, and I knew you were going to change my life. In a few more months, we'll have been together for three years, which have been the best years of my life." Tears welled in my eyes as he continued. "You saw me for me and still wanted me. You changed me for the better and encouraged me to be the best version of myself. You are so incredibly strong, smart, and stunning and I would be honoured if you would spend the rest of my life with me. Will you, Audrey Holland, be my wife?"

I couldn't hold back the tears that escaped me. "Yes, Nate, yes."

Nathan grinned through his own tears, sliding the ring onto my finger. He jumped up onto his feet and so did I. He took me in his arms, lifting me from the ground as I laughed, holding onto him tightly. He beamed at me as I clutched the back of his neck. "I love you so much, Audrey soon-to-be West."

"I love you too, Nate, forever," I said, kissing him hard on the lips.

Nate stopped for a moment, resting his forehead on mine. "Forever."

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