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andrea stood in the rain crying, as she had just been broken up with by her boyfriend, kyle. they felt as if nothing could make them feel better.

at that moment, she felt a buzz in her hand as their phone began to ring. while wiping her tears, she looked at the phone to see the name sam plastered on the screen.

sighing, and hesitantly declined the call and decided to head home, she didn't want her friend seeing the state she was in.

she took a quick run back to her house from the park, eventually arriving home— completely soaked. she went to unlock her apartment door to see that it was already unlocked.

becoming scared, she hesitantly opened the door, trying to be quiet. after taking a quick look around, she noticed a noise coming from her kitchen.

she grabs her keys, becoming prepared to defend her self as she quickly walks into the kitchen. she yelped as a figure was sat on her kitchen counter eating goldfish.

"andrea—" sam said as the container of goldfish dropped.

"sam? what are you even doing here?"

"i tried to call you but you didn't answer," sam gets off the counter, "i assumed it wouldn't be too much of a problem, but what happened to you? you look like hell."

"thanks," andrea rolls her eyes.

"no— i didn't mean it like that."

"i know, sorry. i don't even wanna talk about it."

sam walks over to andrea, getting closer, "you can tell me, i won't mind."

andrea sighs, "it's kyle."

sam rolls her eyes, "what did he do this time?"

"actually there won't be a next time," andrea holds her tears back.

"you broke up with him?"

"he broke up with me."

"andrea..." sam goes in for a hug but stops herself before hugging andrea's muddy and soaked clothes.

andrea slowly nods, stopping herself from crying. she takes a moment before speaking again, "it's whatever, i don't even wanna talk about it."

"let's at least get you changed," sam suggests.


"what? you think i'm leaving you here all alone tonight?"

sam smiles, grabbing andreas hand and taking her back to her room.

my kind of woman - sandreaWhere stories live. Discover now