Chapter 2

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Three miles south-west of villa, Uncharted cave system.

"Cyphrus!" A voice called out in the darkness. 

"What!?" a deep dark voice replied.

"Have you recovered the Shadow's Soul?"

"Look Agnon, the Shadow's Soul cannot be so easily recovered, it takes time and materials we do not have. Plus as the legends says, it will only give its power to the one it chooses." Cyphrus inquired.

Looking around the cave. "Just do what you can for now, Lucius wants it soon. He's getting very impatient. Last one to fail him, he fed them to those demon dogs of his." Agnon said nervously.

"Don't remind me.....well I have done all that I can for now, we'll have to come back with the neccessary materials later. Lets get out of here." Cyphrus said as he vanished in a flash of fire and black smoke.

"Ahh that bastard always leaving without me. Lets hope we don't get a notice anytime soon of when we are due back in the Underworld. I rather enjoy messing with the humans. And don't get me wrong for being soft but i also enjoy the nature seen here. Oh well, we'll come back for the Shadow's Soul when we have what we need." Agnon said aloud as he too vanished in a cloud of fire and smoke.

Legend of the Shadow's Soul

The Soul of the Shadow is of its own free will, he who the Shadow's Soul chooses to be the wielder of its power will not only be able to control unimaginable power but also command an army of infinite proportions

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