Chapter 2

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Mina shoves Kaminari closer to Shinso as he stretches, clearly over it, "Great! Have fun boys!"

Sero takes another rip, "But not too much fun!"

Kaminari cringes as he lightly pushes Shinso away from the blonde's friends. Gaining some courage, the blonde grabs a hold of Shinso's wrist and tugs him into the crowd him him. The purple haired teen protests a bit, "Aye! Kaminari-! He-hey!"

Kaminari pulls the latter in front of him, roughly. Shinso stumbles into him from the abupt force, their bodies colliding briefly. The taller teen steps back a bit and clears his throat out of sheer awkwardness. Blushing madly once more, Kaminari frantically apologizes as the song fades into the next electric tech song plays about them.

Shinso reassures Kami that he's fine while song picks up a bit. Realizing they're kind of just standing there in the middle of a crowd of dancing teens, Kaminari takes Shinso's hand, exclaiming, "Aren't we supposed to be dancing?!"

"That's what Mina said we were supposed to be doing!"

"Well then let's dance!" Kaminari smiles.

Shinso unknowingly smiles back as the blonde begins to move his body to the beat of the music, hands still held, golden eyes shut. The purple haired teen watches, knowing he's not that as good as his partner. Kaminari isn't amazing but he is pretty good and has rhythm. Noticing the lack of movement from Shinso, Kaminari sends a light current of electricity through him. It's enough to feel ticklish. The blonde smiles, "Come on, dude! Dance!"

Shinso moves awkwardly with almost no rhythm. Once again, this is clearly not his thing. Kaminari chuckles and stops him, letting their hands part as he trails his up Shinso's toned, clothed arms. He rests his hands on Shinso's shoulders, "Hey! Watch what I do!"

Kaminari spends the next few songs teaching his God awful dancing partner and crush basic foot work before moving into upper body. He'll be damned if he leaves with out helping this dude learn how to dance.

"Okay! Okay! Now watch me!" The blonde shouts. He does some sort of slightly complicated move and helps Shinso through the motions. Once he has it down Kaminari smiles, "There you go! Now you got one more party trick!"

Shinso's lips curl up into a smile as they dance together. Every so often one would get a little too close to the other and it'd be awkward for a beat but would return to normal. Soon a song Kaminari knows plays. He gets giddy and jumps like child, "AYO! THAT'S MY SONG!"

The purple haired teen in front of him chuckles at the sudden child like outburst. He dances lightly as he admires Denki, who is hitting every beat. The song is kind of ironic seeing how it's based around 'energy'. When the first time the voice track is played in the song, Kaminari grabs Shinso's hands and tugs him closer, silently pleasing him the dance along.

"Can you feel the energy? When you are closer to me?"

Ironic. Is the only thought that crosses Shinso's otherwise empty mind.

It seems like Kaminari is unknowingly creating a low wave of electric. The sensation from earlier enters Shinso's body as the dance together. They do seem to get undeniably closer throughout the song. Their bodies collide more than before but neither of them feel awkward about it anymore.

The space between them seems nonexistent towards the end of the song. With the light flow of electric pulsing through their veins along with the mix of alcohol and fumes of weed, they were both drawn in. Into the heat of the moment, Kaminari lets his hands wander back up to Shinso's shoulders.
Before he knew it, his lips were on Shinso's.

Surprisingly, no complaints out of the taller boy. Instead, his hands land themselves on the blondes hips, pulling him in closer. Their hips collide, the only room left is the small gap between their chests. It feels like an eternity before either of them pull away. Kaminari's left hand trailed its way back down to Shinso's and rested there as they parted, chests both inflating the deflating rapidly. He can hear his own heartbeat pulse in his ears as the familiar warm feeling of blush dusts across his face. His right hand wanders only hair further down from Shinso's shoulder to his upperchest. He looks down trying to hide his blush.

Shinso's lips stay parted as they form a smirk. Bringing his right hand up from Kaminari's hips, he tilts the blonde's chin up, thumb rubbing across the smaller man's lower lip. He looks between the others parted stained lips to his hooded golden eyes. He leans in, tilting Kaminari's head to the side and almost mumbles, "Wanna get outta here?"

The lilac haired male pulls away slightly and is met with a rapid head shake. Kaminari nods rapidly, still caught up in the heat of the moment. Shinso's smirk fades a bit, but nonetheless he laces his fingers with Kaminari's and tugs him out if the crowd.

They pass Mina and Sero on their way out. Kirishima and Bakugou now have joined them. Mina notices the pair and shouts drunkenly, "Kaminari getting lucky!"

The friend group turns their attention to the pair trying to escape. Kirishima and Sero hoot and hauler congratulations whilst Bakugou offers him aggressive advise, "Oi, Dunce Face! Don't do anything stupid!"

"As if!" Kaminari calls back over his shoulder and Shinso tugs him out of the front door of the home.

Energy {KamiShin/ShinKami AU}Where stories live. Discover now