Chapter 3

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"Where are we going?" Kaminari asked Shinso as he drags him towards the nearest station.

Shinso glances back with a raised brow, "Um.. back to the dorms? Where else?"


He stops in his tracks with a slightly annoyed sigh, "Would you prefer someplace else?"

The blonde shifts his weight awkwardly, feeling the tension between them, "I uhm- No, the dorms are fine."


The campus was basically vacant near the 2nd and 3rd years dorms. Besides the occasional security guard or teacher roaming the campus, the couple made it back to the dorms. The 2-A class building was practically empty. No one around but them. Shinso tugs Kaminari through the common room and to the elevator. It dawns on Kaminari that he's never once been past this point in the building, nor has he made it this far in any relationship. Relationship? Wait, what is this exactly? Are they just going to have a one-night stand or are they going to eventually get together?

The thoughts consume his brain and before he knows it, they're outside of Shinso's dorm. Shinso is waiting for him to answer something. What did he even ask? Kaminari smiles trying to mask his growing embarrassment, "Sorry, I didn't catch that."

An annoyed sigh escapes Shinso's lips once more as he unlocks the door, "Be careful where you walk." With that, he reaches in and flips the light on before shoving Kaminari in.

Kaminari tumbles into the room, falling onto the floor in the process. He sits up and looks around, it's pretty dark in here even with a light. Granted that light is a black light. Wait it's a black light. He looks over at the bed curious. To his dismay it's spotless, but there is a cat. He turns to Shinso, "I thought we weren't allowed to have pets in the dorms?"

Shinso just finished locking the door and putting his keycard and ID away as he answers the question, "That's why I told you to keep your mouth shut about this outside."


Shinso peers around the room, "There should be another one running around here somewhere." He clicks his tongue and calls out for the missing pet, "Lulu, where're you hiding?"

As the latter searches for the missing cat, Kaminari prods, "Lulu?"

"Eri named her."


Shinso opens the bathroom door and low and behold a calico darts out. The animal runs over across the room to the cat tree in the corner next to the glass sliding doors. They watch her climb up the tree then she settles. Kaminari smiles lightly and turns to Shinso, "Well, I think we found Lulu."

Shinso fights a smile as he walks over to the tree and reaches up to the cat. He pets her, a fond smile growing. Kaminari admires him, silent and content. He never thought he'd manage to make it this far, never thought he'd be here in Shinso's room with him. Now that he's here, he doesn't know what to do. Should he ask him about his cats? No that's stupid. What about Eri knowing about the cats? Wouldn't that mean Aizawa knows since he's her adoptive dad? 

"Does Aizawa know about Lulu and...?" He motions to the other cat on the bed.

"And Star? Yes, he does," Shinso nods, "He is my dad after all."

"Oh yeah, right." Kaminari shrinks a bit. How did he forget that Shinso and Aizawa are related? God, Aizawa would murder him on the spot if he saw them together outside of normal school activities. Oh no... What if Aizawa finds out that Kaminari kissed Shinso at the party. His nerves jolt to an alarmingly high level as he begins to fidgit with his fingers. The fear of Aizawa seeing them together keeps him silent but shaking. 

Shinso notices the sudden anxiety and tries his best to read the situation. Turning to Denki he seems to search for the right words to say before finally getting a sentence out, "You good?"

"Yeah!" Denki lies through his teeth, "I'm fine... Just thinking of who I wanna include in my will when Aizawa finds out that I kissed his son," He deflates a bit, still anxious, but has a forced smile, "God that sounded worse than I thought it would."

Shinso rolls his eyes with a huff of hot air. His cheeks stained pink with heat forming under the skin, "It's not like we're sleeping together."

Yeah that's right. They only kissed once. Nothing else happened. Wait, then why is Kaminari even here if they weren't going to sleep together? Wasn't that the plan? Why the hell did Shinso bring him up here if not to fuck him? Kaminari raises a brow and ponders the thought, "Yeah, it's not like we've slept together or anything but wasn't that the plan?"

Shinso's eyebrows raise, a slight surprised embarrassment washing over him, "I- uh... Yeah, it was the plan... originally."

"Originally?" Kaminari questions him, his arms crossing over his chest, shifting his weight to one side, "Why am I even here if we aren't gonna..."

Shinso stays silent as he searches for an answer to that question. Getting frustrated, the blonde tosses his hands up before they land on his hips. He looks down and shakes his head, "Why did I even come here with you?"

"I- look, we can still-"

"It's fine," Kaminari looks back up, "I'll just go back to my dorm."

The shorter male sighs and turns for the door, over it.

"Kaminari, wait," Shinso reaches out, grabbing ahold of the latters wrist. Kaminari turns back to him, eyes trailing from the for to Shinso's face. Shinso notes how he looks dejected and seems to be disappointed. Loosening his grip, the taller male clears his throat, now feeling a little awkward in the situation, "I- uh-" He pauses and looks down. He'd hate to sound desperate but he doesn't know if there's any other choice. "Don't leave."

Kaminari stays still, not sure if he should leave or not. The latter notices this a pulls him closer, pressing their lips together once more. The blonde practically melts from the action. A simple kiss might actually be enough to make him spend the night. Shinso let's go of his wrist and lets his hand wander up to the side of the blonde's cheek, cradling the side of his face gently. Kaminari's hands wander up to Shinso's biceps, landing there to create some space. 

They part for air, foreheads colliding and resting. Their gazes meet, lips parted. Shinso's eyes trail down to Kaminari's lips for a moment before making their way back up to his golden eyes. All he can manage is a simple one word question, "Stay?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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