•Moving ahead from the rest•

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•I'm so tired of school and socializing with people I'll never hold an actual conversation with•

•I'm so tired of school and socializing with people I'll never hold an actual conversation with•__________________________________

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"Jeez didn't I get the short end of the stick.." Y/n had summoned a scythe which was refreshing from her gun.
"I've only eliminated smaller curses but I can't get into contact with anyone since I'm farther away from the others." Y/n put her hand to her chin as she walked through the Forest, She started daydreaming by swinging her scythe around like if it were a pencil trick in your hand.

A regular-sized curse had made her way over to her as she seemed to be sleepwalking,
"I never let my guard down!" Y/n grinned as she did a hard swing at its head slicing it off but it didn't disappear it just reconnected to itself.
"Sheesh, my step mom's weak aim is rubbing off in me.." Y/n crouched down to the curses level, She grabbed it with her bare hands as it was still healing it couldn't process what was going on.

"Let's get a nice kill!" Y/n took a puff out of her cigarette and made a blob on the other side of her, She jumped into the air and spiked down to the blob who had sliced the curse into perfect cubes making it impossible to regenerate and it disappeared.
"I'm feeling like Ushijima!" Y/n high fived her blob making it take her appearance.

"Let's go to Yuji, I have a feeling that old higher up is losing his mind that Yuji's still alive.." She made a couple more clones scooping out the area for him, One of them found him but the problem with the clones are that they are a formation of each of Y/n's emotions so they'll act on their own sometimes,

"Y/n?! I thought you were out in the outer field!"
"I missed you, Yuji!" A giggly Y/n tackled him into a hug rubbing her cheek against his.
"That's not Y/n, it's a clone." Toudou spotted her from a tree branch, she hopped down with three other clones.

"Oí don't get too chummy!"
"I can't help it he's too cute!" Clone 1 kept snuggling with Yuji, he was so close to passing out on the spot and leaving a jealous Toudou not getting any Y/n hugs.
"I said come back now, it's an order." The clone shivered as she pulled away and returned to Y/n.
"Sorry about that I was just making sure Yuji was safe but we've got business to attend to-" She bumped into Toudou's chest, He chuckled as he lifted all her clones and included her by the ankles.

"H-hey, what the big idea?!" Y/n pulled down her cropped top except for the sleepy clone, she was too busy talking to even care that her chest was showing.
"Couples fight don't they? Then let's have on right now!"
"eh..?" Y/n looked at him confused.
"Since when you guys dating?!"
"We're not.."
"We have a boyfriend I'm so happy!" The first clone had chopped off her foot with the scythe from earlier,

"How bothersome.." The rest of the clones followed suit except Y/n who stayed where she was, not moving a single muscle.
"Let's begin." The clones had regenerated with Y/n being completely calm,
"Finally some action!" The third clone had parkour on the tree branches with a flip landing onto a kick onto his back.

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