Chapter 1. Desire

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His eyes scanned the room. “Where is it?”

“Sir, I think I found it.”

The man’s gaze landed on the owner of the voice. “Did you really, Stallion?”

Stallion nodded. “It’s in here,” he said, reading two words from an old book. “Veneno Cupiditatis.”

The man chuckled. “The Potion of Desire. Thanks, Stal. Remind me to repay you.”

“Of course, Raven.”

Raven smirked. “Ah, yes. Although, ‘Black Raven’ has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”

Stallion nodded. “Yes. If this plan works, which it definitely will, the world will know your name.”

“Good. Now, I have to make this potion,” Raven said, moving to a different room of the dark building they were in.

Raven’s dark black hair shone in the candlelight as he walked. Stallion followed, along with some other dark figures. “Dragon, Viper, can you two go fetch the ingredients for the potion?” Raven asked.

Two of the figures nodded and left.

Raven looked at the page in the book where the potion was located.


One fang of a wolf
Two roots of ironwood
Five petals of a dahlia flower
One skin of a leopard
Three hairs of a horse
Three pieces of bark from an oak tree
One ounce of venom from a black widow
Two cups of a sparkling silver liquid
Four stems of roses

1. Crush the dry ingredients into a powder.
2. Combine the wet ingredients until they are smooth.
3. Mix the ingredients into a heated cauldron.
4. Think about your desire.
5. Recite the incantation three times.

Give me what I desire
In form of gold or form of fire
The only thing that I do seek
Is in my mind as I speak
Listen to my telepathy
Let me see what I want to see
Let the item that I need
Manifest itself as I finish my read


Raven and his comrades grinned. This was going to work. It had to work.


Two hours passed, and the ingredients were ready.

Raven put the powder and liquid into a cauldron. He thought about his desire.

“I need to have a worthy hero for me to fight. Someone that will let me be the villain I am destined to become!”

Those thoughts flooded his mind as he recited the incantation. The cauldron’s contents boiled and changed color. Raven’s eyes widened with excitement as he recited the incantation a second time. The potion whirled around in the cauldron, bubbling and shifting. Raven cackled, saying the words for the last time and watching as the cauldron’s contents changed into… wait, what?

Raven picked up the black and gold necklace chains. He glanced at the five gold bracelets, five black bracelets, five white bracelets and five silver bracelets that sat in the cauldron as well.

Dragon raised an eyebrow. “What do these mean?”

“Wait! What about Oleander? He can probably help us figure out what’s going on,” Stallion suggested. Raven smirked.

“Perfect. We’ll go immediately.”

Thirty minutes later, figures in cloaks walked into an alley. A gray door was before them. Raven knocked, watching as the doorknob turned.

A man with black hair and a matching beard opened the door, his blue eyes twinkling with recognition. “Hello, Raven and crew. Come in,” Oleander said. The group shuffled in, lowering their hoods.

“Oleander, we came because of the results of Veneno Cupiditatis. I desired to have a hero to oppose me in my villainy, and,” Raven said, pulling a pouch out from beneath his cloak, “this is what it gave me.”

Oleander took the pouch and looked at the contents. He laid them on a table, separating them. “I know exactly what this means. The different colors mark different groups.”

“What do you mean?” Viper asked, crossing his arms and narrowing his green eyes.

“I mean, these bracelets have different colors for a reason. We’re going to focus on the gold and black ones today. The gold ones are for the heroes. One for the leader, and the other four for members of their team who are pure in heart and loyal. The black ones are for you, the villains. One for you, Raven, and the other four for members of your team who are as dark and menacing as you.”

“Awesome! I’ll give them to-” Raven started to say before Oleander held up his hand, signaling for the villain to stop talking.

“You won’t be doing that, Raven. You see, these bracelets find their owners. That’s why you need to find your hero through these. These bracelets hold immense power, but the power is not activated until it is worn.”

“So, if I wear my bracelet, I’ll have powers?”

“Of course. Your team will also have powers. If a bracelet chooses one of your teammates, they will gain more power. The same goes for the heroes.”

“What are the necklace chains for?” Raven asked.

Oleander laughed. “I was waiting for you to ask that. These are called the Supreme Chains. I will explain their purpose later. All that you need to know for now is that there is one for you and one for the leader of the heroes.”

Raven nodded, picking up his Supreme Chain and bracelet. Oleander split the colored bracelets into corresponding pouches. He put one of the gold bracelets in a pouch with the other Supreme Chain.

“I know where you are supposed to put the pouch for your hero,” Oleander said, motioning for Raven to come toward him. Raven complied. Oleander whispered something into the villain’s ear.

“Really? Are you sure?” Raven asked in disbelief.

“I’m positive,” Oleander said. “As for the rest of the pouches, you can keep them. Once the bracelets have been released, you can come back to me. I will explain everything afterward.”

“Alright. Thanks, Oleander,” Raven said.

“No problem! Just so you know, that bracelet is yours, but if something happens to it, your team will be affected. Okay?” Oleander said, a grin on his face.

“Okay…” Raven replied, leaving the man and taking the pouches.

“Well, boys,” Stallion said, looking at the team as they left, “we have some work to do.”

“So, Raven, where did Oleander say that pouch was supposed to go?” Dragon asked.

“It has to go on an elementary school playground. Pinnacle Elementary School, to be exact,” Raven said, a wicked grin on his face. “I’ll drop it off before school tomorrow, and whoever picks it up will be under my watchful eye.”

“They will be our nemesis forever.”

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