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     "Dabi, you need to calm down. We'll find her." "We lost (Y/n)! How could we lose (Y/n)?! Damnit! Damnit! DAMNIT!"
    "DON'T TELL ME WHAT THE HELL TO DO!" I snarl angrily as I slightly pace my soulmate's bedroom.
"Who do you think would take her?" Toga asks worriedly as Twice switches between comforting her and panicking himself.
"I killed a bastard ah couple weeks ago when he called her my play slut. Could be one of his friends trying to avenge him? But that's only the start of the list." I explain and Shigaraki sighs.
"This is why we don't associate with non-villains." Shigaraki states as he stands. "Dabi, we gotta go. I have to meet with that Yakuza bastard, Chisaki, and I ain't going alone." He says before snapping his fingers at Kurogiri who nods before making a warp gate.
Damnit! How the hell did I let this happen to her? I think with a heavy sigh as I stand and follow after him {Ik Dabi wasn't there when Shiggy went but for story purposes he did}.

~(Y/N) POV~

"Really?" Eri asks curiously as she hugs the blue dream rabbit.
"Yeah. It was a hard battle but I was able to stop the villains and save the little boy." I explain and she looks at me in wonder. "I still remember when he was reunited with his mother. He was so happy." I say with a smile as I unconsciously hold a hand on my stomach.
"What's your baby's father like?" Eri asks and I give her a slightly surprised look before I smile.
     "Well...he's got his good sides and his bad sides. Luckily I get to see the good side more. He's a good man to me. And I love him very much." I say with a smile as I look down to my slightly growing stomach.
     "Does he know about the baby?"
    "Not yet. Kurono took me the day I found out." I explain and her eyes widen slightly.
"Are you scared of what he'll think?" She asks and I stiffen as the thought finally comes to my mind.
"What he'll think?" I ask before I look down at the hands on my stomach. What will Toya think about our kid? He might not want to be a dad because of Enji. I think a little worriedly as my brows knit together as I think.
I quickly stand and move Eri behind me as I hear the door opens.
"Eri, (L/n). Time for lunch." Kurono says and I give him a glare as I protectively guard Eri from his grasp as I walk out the door.
"This is the pipsqueak that Overhaul said was our leverage against the League?" A tall man with a white shirt and black pants says as he looks down at me. "HAH! She's too tiny! I don't know why he's having me help you escort her!" He laughs and Eri stiffens beside me.
"You're scaring Eri." I snarl as he starts to laugh more as I glare at him. Bastard. I think with annoyance before I active Living Nightmare.
He goes silent as a glassy look comes over his eyes before he drops to his knees. "No! NO! I CAN'T BE BEATEN!" He cries as he swats at the air in front of him, making Eri and I quickly move away out of his reach.
"What are you doing to Rappa?" Kurono asks and I quickly use my quirk on him as he stiffens.
"(Y/n), what's happening to them?"
"We have five minutes to get out of here, Eri!" I say as I quickly grab her hand and start running the route that I memorized over the couple days I've been here.
"We're getting out of-"
"Shh! We don't need visitors!" I hiss lightly as I round a corner.
"Sorry." She replies and I barely spare her a glance as I jump over Mimic before carefully but quickly looking over Eri.
"HEY! What are you doing?! Where's-AHH!" He yells after I throw a dream dagger at him and it hits his shoulder.
"Is he-"
"Run, Eri! RUN!" I yell as I move the girl in front of me before creating a dream Toga and making her open the door for us and holding it for Eri. "Get her out of here, Miki!" I instruct as I slightly pant from the new draining because of my unborn child.
"(Y/N)!" I ignore Eri's cries for me as I turn to face the three goons, my head starting to painfully hurt as I attempt to keep Kurono and the other guy, Rappa, I remember, in their nightmares.
"Go get the girl! Overhaul will kill us if she gets away."
"No can do." I say as I point a red sword at the man that tried to move forward. "Eri's getting out of here, whether you like it or not." I claim and they glare at me.
"Listen, lady, your little one's probably not gonna do too well if you keep using your quirk like this." One says and my eyes widen and I unintentionally look down.
I barley have time to dodge before he makes a grab for me and I maneuver around the three. Damnit. If I want to go longer I need to let them out. I think as I stop Living Nightmare and start to search for a new way out.
There! A door! I think hopefully as I push myself to move a little quicker.
     "Not so fast!" Kurono hisses as he grabs me holds me tightly.
    "No! No!" I struggle in his arms as I try to kick at his knees. That...no...it can't be. I think as I eye familiar dark spiky hair. There's only one way to find out. "TOYA!"

Dreams Aflame ♡Dabi (Toya Todoroki) x Reader♡Where stories live. Discover now