13-Broken Promises

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~(Y/N) POV~

I give a small shiver as I slightly stir awake. "Toya...move closer. I'm cold." I say tiredly with a yawn as I turn over to face my boyfriend.
Silence greeted me with a smile. Not a sound of any movement.
"Toya?" I question as I tiredly blink open my (e/c) eyes and meet the cold empty spot beside me. He didn't come back last night? That's-
BRIIIING! My morning alarm blares loudly, causing me to jump in surprise.
I'll see him later when I get back. I think as I stretch before standing up and changing into my school uniform. "Good morning, guys-" I stop in my tracks as I see my living area not being occupied by sleeping villains. Strange. I think before grabbing my phone and keys, slipping on my shoes, and then walking out the door.
    They probably had a few more things to deal with because of the Shie Hassaikai. I think as I nod to myself as I set that as the reasoning for my friends and soulmate being gone.
     I look up at the familiar call.
     "Tamaki! Nejire!" I yell happily as I walk faster to reach them and wrap them in a tight hug.
     "I heard they kidnapped you," Tamaki claims with a slight glare. "are you okay?"  He asks with a worried look and I nod.
     "They didn't do anything to you, right? You're gonna live, right? Please tell me you will!" Nejire claims and I give a small laugh as I make some distance between myself and the eager girl.
     "I'm not gonna die, Neji!" I quickly say to the girl who smiles in relief. "The only thing they did was lock me away after I tried to escape. Makes me wonder if that nightmare was worth it or not." I grumble under my breath before looking around. "Where's Mirio?" I ask and they glance at each other before looking back at me.
     "He's gonna be out for a bit." Tamaki states and my heart drops.
     "Tell me he's not dead. Please. I saw him. I can't lose him." I plead to the purple haired teen who gives me a saddened look as tears threaten to roll down my cheeks.
     "He's not dead or gonna die, (Y/n). He's just going through something we can't imagine." Tamaki explains and I nod.
    "Togata lost his quirk. Something that Overhaul had created by using Eri."
    The three of us turn at the new voice joining the conversation.
    "Aizawa." I recognize my teacher as he nods.
    "I need to talk to you about a few things, (L/n)." He claims and my heart drops in fear. "We need to find out why they took you of all people." Aizawa explains and I nod.
     "Alright. It won't last long, they told me why." I state and he quirks an eyebrow before gesturing for me to follow after him. I give a small wave to my two friends before parting ways and going after the black haired hero.
      "So why'd they take you and how long ago?" Aizawa asks as he grabs a small note pad from his pocket and clicking his pen open.
      "Kurono took me the day you sent me home because I got sick." I state and he nods while quickly writing the kanjis. "Then when I woke up in a different room than my bedroom. I look around for a bit before Overhaul came in. He claimed they took me because I was getting too close for their comfort." I explain and Aizawa pauses his writing to look at me.
    "Didn't you go with Rock Lock six weeks ago?" He questions and I nod.
     "I thought I might possibly get better information if I played the passing civilian and found stuff out that way." I lie and he looks at me to continue. "I thought someone once saw me but I wasn't sure until they took me. I thought I was being careful...guess I got that fucked up." I say with a laugh before he glares at me. "Sorry."
     "Do you know who Eri is?" He asks and my eyes widen.
     "Is she okay? What happened to her? Please tell me you saved her!" I plead as I look towards him hopefully and he nods.
"She's fine. Midoriya was the main one to save her and defeat Chisaki." He explains and my eyes widen in surprise.
Midoriya? I think before I nod lightly. "Can...can I go see her sometime?" I ask and he closes his eyes before he looks back at me.
    "I'll see what I can do." He claims and I nod with a smile before entering the classroom as we finally arrive. "Good mor-"
"(Y/N)!" My group of friends yell as they stand from their seats and run to the front to hug me.
"What happened? Where'd you go?"
"I'm so sorry for what happened last time!"
"Are you hurt? Are you okay?"
"How are you feeling?"
The many voice of my friends go around my ears as they cry in relief at the sight of me.
"You pipsqueaks aren't getting rid of me that easily!" I joke with them as I wipe Mina's tears from her face before she hugs me again while she sobs lightly.
"Thanks for holding out for us, Dreamcatcher." I look up from soothing the girl as I see the ash blond standing a bit away as tears threatens to fall from his crimson red eyes.
"Hey, Suki." I say with a smile as I tap Mina to let go before going over and hugging him.
He stiffens in surprise before he starts to sniffle and then sobs quietly.
"I'm back. I'm so sorry." I say in a hushed whisper to him as he grips onto the back of my overcoat.
     "I'll keep you safe. I'm not gonna let anything hurt you two." He promises and my eyes widen in surprise.
Does he-
    "Sorry to cut this meeting short but we need to start class." Aizawa cuts into my thoughts as he places a hand on my shoulder and I nod.
    "Okay." I reply before turning to my friends and soulmate's youngest sibling. "We can talk more at lunch." I explain to them and they reluctantly nod before moving to their seats as I do too. Please let them understand later. I beg in my thoughts as Aizawa starts the class.
    After a very boring class (and me nearly falling asleep a couple times) the bell finally rings loudly for lunch.
I have a lot of explaining to do. I think as I look to the six teens who are waiting for me by the door before I walk over.
     "We'll get lunch and then head to the roof." Kirishima states and I nod before going back over to my bag to grab the lunch Toya always makes.
    I open my bag with a smile before freezing as I open to not see anything. Oh...right. He wasn't here this morning. I think before closing my bag and then rejoining them.
    "Where's your lunch, (Y/n)?" Mina asks and I smile lightly at her.
    "Well normally....Toya packs my lunch while I get dressed and ready for school. But he wasn't at home this morning." I explain and they look at me with a quirked eyebrows before it clicks.
    "So you don't have any lunch?" Bakugou asks and I rub the back of my neck as I nod slightly. "I'll get you something from Big Time Lunch." He claims and I'm about to refuse before he looks at me sternly. "You know exactly why you need to eat." He states and I nod lightly after going quiet.
He does know then. I think with a slightly worried sigh as I follow them.
"Dumb question: why does (Y/n) need to eat?" Kaminari asks as him and Sero quicken their pace to keep up with us.
"I'll tell you guys when we get to the roof. Along with everything else I need to explain to you guys." I explain and Mina, Denki, and Sero share a look of confusion. I hope they react well. Mini is a big deal. I think a little nervously as I mess with my fingers, a small habit I developed in confinement when I would get too worried.
     After ordering food, Katsuki getting me two plates when I only asked for one, we all head to the roof to start eating. It's a peaceful silence as we eat the delicious smelling food while the small breeze keeps us from getting too hot.
I didn't realize how hungry I was! I think as I start to eat the second bowl of my rice and sweet chicken.
    "(Y/n)," I look up as Sero says my name amusingly. "hungry there?" He jokes and I blush lightly.
    "SHUT IT, SOY SAUCE! YOU'D BE MORE HUNGRY IF YOU WERE EATING FOR TWO!" Bakugou hisses and I stiffen as the three look at me.
     "YOU'RE PREGNANT?!" Mina, Kaminari, and Sero yell at me in surprise and I nod with a sheepish smile.
     "Does my brother know?" Shoto, who has been oddly quiet, finally asks and I sigh.
    "Kurono took me the night I found out. I haven't seen him since to tell him. I didn't get a chance to tell Miki and Jin either." I explain as I move my rice around my bowl with chopsticks. "It's only you guys, the Shie Hassaikai, and Eri who know." I explain and Eijiro, who still has a few bandages, quirks an eyebrow at this.
     "You know Eri?" He asks and I nod.
    "We were rooming together until I tried to escape with her but got caught. I used a dream to get her out while I was fighting." I say before I sigh. "But she's safe now. And I'm so glad that she is."
     "So when did you two-" Kaminari asks before he trails off with an embarrassed look.
     "That's a rude question to ask." Shoto and Mina say bluntly as they glare down the teen who sweat drops.
     "I'm not trying to be a pervert guys! Just trying to figure out how far along she is!" He exclaims as Mina pokes his ticklish sides and he tries to shoo her away.
     "Mid last month." I explain and they turn to look at me.
     "Six weeks ago." Bakugou states and I nod.
     "Are you going to tell Natsu, Fuyumi, and Mom?" Shoto asks and I shrug.
     "I don't know. I'm still kinda....worried about all this. I was always told I'd have a low possibility of having kids. I just don't want anything to go wrong." I confess as I place a hand to my stomach.
     "You could always-"
     "No! I'm not getting rid of Mini." I say and they look at me amused before I roll my eyes. "I was bored and gave them a nickname. Not important." I state with a small huff. "And I'm not giving them up for adoption either. I don't want them to go through what I had to." I state sternly as I remember back to my earlier years.
I never want that for anyone. I think as I shake my head.
     "Dreamer." Bakugou calls to me and I look over to him as he smiles lightly. "We're not going anywhere." He states and smile happily at him.
     "I'm so glad."

Dreams Aflame ♡Dabi (Toya Todoroki) x Reader♡Where stories live. Discover now