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Mira's POV

'The cold winter wind blew agiainst my skin causing a painful jolt,running up my arm from my exposed bruise.I looked at my mom with tears clouding my vision."You can't go!Stay with me mommy!"I shouted for the fifth time."Please mommy,don't leave me..."My voice escaped as a soothing whisper.I couldn't bear it any longer.The pain was too much for me to handle."I love you"my mother whispered.My mother,the closest person to me,closed her eyes,and let out her last breath.She had died,in my arms.'

"Ahhhhhh!!!!"I screamed,so loud that my dad rushed into the room."What's wrong?Are you ok?"my dad asked in a worried tone." dream."I couldn't even get out a proper sentence in my state of fear and sadness.I was shaking from the cold,and my dad walked over and pulled me into a tight hug."Oh,sweetheart.I know,I miss Clarise,too"my dad said sadly,sighing.Suddenly,a pang of guilt welled up inside of me,and I swallowed hard,realisng that I had caused my dad more pain by mentioning mom.I sighed softly,realising that I had to go to my new scool today.After some time of comforting,dad left my room,and I began getting ready for my new school,Steller High.

I began by brushing my teeth,then I took a warm shower to relax my tense muscles.I washed my hair with strawberry scented shampoo,then scrubbed mysef clean with strawberry scented bodywash.Yes,I have a thing with strawberries.No,I don't care what others think of it.I got out of the showers,and wrapped myself in a towel,then I wrapped my hair in one as well.I went to my walk in closet to pick out an outfit suitable for the day.I grabbed a pair of dark blue skinny jeans,and a white,short sleaved top,and slipped them on.Then,I put on a cute,light purple jacket,and slipped on a pair of light purple heels to match with it.I kept my makeup light,with some black eye liner,maskara,and to finish it off,light pink lip gloss.Then,I let my hair down and blowdried my hair to form loose,natural waves.I looked okay for my first day at the school.I grabbed my backpack,and headed off to school in my new,black Lamboughini that my dad promised to get me.

Shortly,I was at my new school parking lot,and people already began staring at my car.Crap.I got out after checking myself in the mirror,to face my new school.Wow,it's huge.Well,here's to a new year of total hell.



Sorry for the short chapter.Still trying this out.Tell me what you think.I'll try to update whenever I can.I'll update alot this weekend most likely.Thanks for reading this.Have an awesome day!:)

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