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Trapped. That is one of the few words I can use to describe myself. Or you can use 'two-faced' but that's not necessarily true. Being a wolf, it's hard. You have to FIGHT to survive, not eat, or drink plenty of water, you must fight. Day and night, on and on, my life is practically a war. But you really know nothing about me. My name is Rose, and I am the last female Scarlet on earth.

So, what is a Scarlet?? Basically, it's a red wolf, who have different and mainly stronger abilities then other 'normal' wolves.

The strongest wolves are the Saphires, then us. My boyfriend , Luke , is a Saphire. My dad is as well, but he was killed long ago, I don't know how because everyone refuses to talk about it.

Anyway, a way to tell a scarlet from any other wolf, even when they're in human form, is the colourful of their eyes. Mine are yellow, but slightly more orange when I'm human.

My specialities are speed and cunning. I can read any other wolf's defensive or attacking move coming, which is something I'm so glad for, and is partly why my pack is so strong.

My first 'transformation' was on a summer night, I can't exactly remember what day. I was really upset, because my friend and I had a really bad fight.I was 10. I got so angry, I could literally feel the sprouting of silky red fur coming from the palms of my hand, my bones altering, then there was a sudden 'CLICK' of my bones and I was a wolf.

I couldn't even feel a thing so I just walked back inside. As soon as I did, my mother screamed, pulled me into her arms, and yelled for my dad.

He came rushing in, and the words 'Oh my, I told you she was special, but isn't she to young?' Came out of his mouth in a hush. I had no idea what was going on , so I tried asking , then was confused as my voice came out as a low growl. They still seemed to understand. "Rose honey, this will be a very big shock to you, but you gotta believe us sweetie , we aren't lying," I nodded my head, "ok.....*phew* Rose, our family... We are different Hun, were special. When we feel a kind of strong emotion, we change into a.. Wolf. When you're older you will have enough power to change freely, but for now we must be careful. Are you with me?"

I wasn't. A wolf? Impossible ! It was then that I passed out.

A week later, my dad went missing. Well, they said that at the time, but he was actually dead, I understand now. I cried and cried for weeks , until I couldn't cry anymore.

My dad had been in the middle of training me to survive and live as a wolf. I knew how to fight, hunt and run relatively good for my age. The only thing he didnt taught/told me about was what my abilities were. He'd said that I'd had them, but I didn't know how to use them. So they were saved for another day.

Skip forward 7 years, and here I am now.

Rose Scott, a 16 year old girl , a Scarlet, the fastest and smartest She-wolf in the country, maybe the world. I belong to the Harmony pack. We may not be the biggest pack, but we are by far the strongest.

The largest pack is the Vita, with numbers at roughly 600. Our pack has about 450. The Vita are based around the Atlantic area, where as our pack is spaced all throughout America.

The H's, as we call ourselves for short, have roughly 10 Scarlet's out of 12, which is pretty impressive. We also have 20 sapphires, out of 27, the other 7 are mainly in the Guerrilla pack, which is a very peaceful pack, despite the name. They would rather settle things with peace and words, than blood and claws.we are lucky enough to have them as an ally.

We are a very close pack, one big family, which is really cool. Luke is also in my pack, if he wasn't, he couldn't be my bf. This mainly because, if we come to a world war, we can't rely on other packs, which makes sense.

It is sad, but you kindof get over it. My old friend Stacey was in the Cobra pack, but we have now become enemies. I try to avoid her, she does the same.


"ROSE CHELSEA SCOTT, GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE NOW! I AM NOT GETTING ANOTHER EMAIL FROM THE PRINCIPAL SAYING YOU WE'RE LATE!!!" That's my big sister, Annie. My mum is away on a course for a masters medical degree, she'll be back in 2 weeks. See? We are pretty much a regular family, if you forget the wolf part, but that's pretty hard to forget.

I actually have a treble clef implanted into my skin on my left hip, a symbol representing my tribe, and also bonding me to it. Sometimes it makes me proud, others, I want to somehow erase it desperately.

Not making my 'lovely' sister wait any longer, for safety reasons, I quickly grabbed my bag and in seconds was downstairs eating brekkie. I laughed to see Annie in her wolf form, hot breath steaming up the kitchen bench.

"Woahhh.... SOMEONE'S a bit , angry! I wonder why??"I mocked her.

She growled furiously, and I burst out laughing. I love teasing her, it's so fun.

" Better not be late, and if I were you I would get a spare change of clothes so I don't see you naked when you shift, is that ok?? Alrighty, cya later Annie-poo, you know I love you!"

I sprinted out the door running to my motorbike, partly because I actually DIDNT want to be late , the other in fear of Annie chasing me to school. I know she wouldn't, but she could easily.

Annie is a silver wolf, the next step down from the Scarlet's. then it's the Whites, the blacks ,the browns, and finally, the beige wolves.

I turn the keys, loving the sound of the roaring engine, then speed off to school.

I really enjoyed school actually, and to be honest I was a really good student.



So.... Well, this is my 2nd book on wattpad, my other one was bad so I'm not gonna make you read it, not that I could anyway.

From the grammar and words, You might of guessed that I'm from New Zealand!! Awesome!!Anyways, I hoped you liked the book, plz comment and vote and keep reading, I really appreciate you even clicking onto this!! Tell me if you have any ideas, I will try use them.

I'm not a very good writer, but I try my best!!! I will try update ASAP!

THANX, Kaitlyn :) xx - katy9900

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