Scarlet-CHAPTER 2

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First of , Thanx if u read this far, second, I'm sorry if there is any mistakes , I will try my best

Also, I'm not sure how regularly I will be able to upload, one thing being I'm not a fast writer, the other being school and activities, and my laziness:)

Also, if someone can tell me, I don't know how people make some of their writing bold, sloped etc, so if someone knows about that could they leave me a comment. Speaking of comments, I need some names for characters, remember they r werewolves so they need to b relevant, and just post a comment with the name, I would b very grateful, also I need suggestions 4 characters, just coz that's part of the fun of writing, just holler on the comments page a name of a celeb and which character it should b , Thanx

I know tht was long , sorry!! But Thanx, Katy :) <3 ( that is one of the most retarded luv hearts ever)


Chapter 2- YOUNG LOVE ;)


As soon as I arrived at the gates of Dunley high, I sighed. On top of one gate, Sitting like an angel in his stripped blue shorts, with NO SHIRT, was my one and only mate, Luke Weston.

He was extremely ( and naturally) hot, but today he was even more incredible, if that was even possible. His pitch black hair that holds a mysterious navy tinge to it held a messy look, that somehow seemed perfect on him. His blue eyes were piercing into my own hazel ones, with a look of pure love. But that wasn't what always made me breathless when I was around him. It was his smile. His smile was the most beautiful, powerful, loving and amazing smile in the world. His pearly white teeth shone, and he also held a mischievous smirk on his face. I loved him so much, even thinking about living without him was unbearable.

"Babe what did I tell you? If you keep that look up, you'll have your own pack of love-sick puppies hanging on your every word like I hold onto bacon." I laughed, and soon he joined in as well. That's another thing I loved about him. No matter what, he can always make me smile or laugh, and he will always flatter me , and make me blush so much he must think my cheeks are naturally red.

"Come on honey, I didn't even try to look good this morning, and also, I am happy with just one love-sick puppy following me around." He smiled and I leaned in to peck his lips.

" I hope that pup just so happens to be me?"

I smirked "Well, there is this really cute guy I saw......"

I burst out into hysterics at his fake-upset expression, which quickly turned into his famous side smirk that made me sway unintentionally.

" And that guy just so happens to be the sexiest man alive, and his name is Luke Weston, to be exact."

I laughed and he took my hand in his as we made our way into the school.

" Why were you waiting at the gate? Anyone could of came and yelled at you to get off, and you know what the croaker is like?!"

Yeah, who the hell does that? Well now obviously my romantic bf. And 'the croaker' is actually our school caretaker, Mr Finton. He is an evil and sadistic man, who would constantly swear, yell, sometimes even threaten students. He always mumbles about how he's going to get revenge, and how we are little disrespectful buggers, his words exactly.

Luke snorted, somehow making it seem cute. " Please Rosie-pie, who else in this mucked up school arrives here late as you? No one else was even near or coming towards the gates, and I decided to wait for you as well, me being the best Bf ever and all."

It was my turn to make a little noise "Hmph, I'm not ALWAYS late, besides I'm early today, speaking about that we should get to class." I was about to run straight there when Luke held my hips and stopped me.


"Rose, check your watch"He was holding in a laugh, I could tell.

I looked Down and gasped. It was already 9.29am. I was 30 mins late!! God, I'm going to get an earful back home later.

"Relax babe, I said you had a doctors appointment and you didn't have time to ring the office, which the teacher totally believed, mainly because he knew not to mess with the future alpha of the Harmony Pack"

Luke posed in a funny position, that kind of reminded me of superman and that made me giggle like a little girl.

Another thing, is that Luke is going to become my Alpha in about 2 years, it seems along time but its nothing really. Anyways, most teachers and students here are part of our pack, so they're pretty respectful and obedient towards Luke and I. Why me, you ask?? Well..... IM their future Luna! It's pretty surreal and exciting, my dad would have been proud of me. Thinking of him changed my mood and made a tear slip down my cheek.

"Oh God, Rose, did I Hurt you? I'm so sorry we can go to class I will make.."

"Don't worry Luke it wasn't you I was just thinking."

Luke looked at me with complete understanding "Listen Rose, nothing to do with your dad is your fault, Christ you didn't even know, please don't ever think that, if that was it." His voiced made me calm down.

"It wasn't that, I was thinking he would be so proud of me if he was here..." I burst into tears.

Luke took me in his arms and rocked me, letting the drops flow. "Shh, Hun he couldn't ask for a better daughter, and i couldnt have asked for a better mate. You're right, he would be extremely proud of you and I know he is proud now, so just let yourself be happy ok?? I don't like seeing you like this babe." Luke's voice carried worry and warmth and I held him tighter, then let go and wrapped my arm around him as we walked throughout the corridor.

"Luke, I know you covered for me, Thanx, but how did YOU get out of class??" I was purposely trying to change the subject, I knew Luke knew and I was glad he went with it.

"Now that, is for me to know, and for you to not."

"Your so silly, it's 'that's for me to know and you to find out' not whatever baloney you're selling."

"Well....... What if I don't want you to find out??and besides I have the best baloney ever"he smirked

"Urghhhhhhh.... You're full of it."I tried to stay serious.

"You wouldn't have it any other way."

"True that."

He stopped and turned around, lifting my chin up to make me look into his eyes, because he's about a foot taller than me. I could tell he was about to say something serious, because all the playfullness in his eyes was replaced by love and lust.

"I love you, Rose Scott. I will always and always have loved you, even if it took me a while to realize it. You are the best thing that has happened to me, and I promise to love you unconditionally. I promise to be the one who loves you forever, to be the father of our pups, the grandfather of our grandkids, and I promise I won't stop loving you, not even when my heart stops, not even when yours does. I know we are young, but we both know we are true mates, and we were made for each other, and honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. I may drive you crazy, make you blush, but I will never hurt you. If there is a day that I do, i will be apologizing for the rest of my life. I promise to be the apple to your pie, and you're the salt to my bacon. I know we will be together forever, and I know that this may seem a lot to take in, and if you want to wait, that's fine, you can take your time, we have forever." He bent down and kneeled in front of me. I gasped happily as he pulled out a box the size of his palm. " Rose Chelsea Scott, will you be my wife?"


CLIFFHANGER( I hate them) but u might hate me more, especially because this chapter is short and I'm sorry :( also I really hope you guys enjoy reading this, and I'm sorry if its not very good! I hope you liked the long touching page, and the reason bacon is mentioned is because he loves bacon, and I do 2!!!!!!! In the next chapters I might give a list of my temporary cast characters idk!

Thanx- vote, comment, fan- Kaitlyn:)x

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