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It's been 2 weeks since Lisa has been in hospital and since things happened between me and Elgin.

I've been staying at Honey's for the past 2 weeks and Whitney has been worrying about me like crazy but i'm fine anyways,i just needed a break.

Everyday,i've been visiting Lisa when Pac or anyone else wasn't there because i like to talk to her about things even tho i know that she can't answer me.

It really hurts me not knowing if she's gonna die or gonna live but i have a strong feeling that she will survive and i've been praying almost everynight,in hopes that she does.

"Hey girl?"Honey said getting my attention "you sure you don't want to get out the house for abit?".

"Yeh i'm sure,thank you"i gave her a reassuring smile.

"Okay,i'll be back around 5 and just help yo self to anything"she said in a rush "love you girl".

She said then quickly went out the door.

I sighed heavilu and stared into space.

"What can i do today"i said to myself.

My phone started to ring so,i picked it up thinking it was Elgin.

"Look i don't want to see you today,okay?"i snapped.

"Lisa's awake,i think you should go to the hospital"i heard Earl say on the other line.

Hearing that news made me feel ecstatic.

I jumped up to my feet and shoved my jacket on as,i was on the phone.

"I'll be there in 5"i said then hung up.

I'm so glad she's awake now and that i don't have to worry about her as much anymore.

I got in my car and speeded over to the hospital to see Lisa.

I couldn't contain my excitement,i was so happy to see her without her being in a coma.

"Hey"i walked into her hospital room.

No one but Lisa was in the room and she was staring into space.

She didn't have any wires up her nose or anything stuck in her like before and i'm glad that she didn't.

Lisa's eyes lit up when,she saw me and i gave her a big hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay".

"Damn i feel stiffer than an old lady"she said trying yo sit up and i giggled at her.

I pulled away from the hug and sat down on the chair.

"Where's Earl and the others?i thought they'd be here".

"Earl was here early this morning and Pac was here when,i woke up but i think Nas has some business to do and Devante is on tour but i'd rather you be here than anybody else".

I could feel butterflies floating around my stomach when,she said that comment.

"I'm glad you're okay now"i grabbed her hand and intertwined her fingers with mine.

"I don't remember anything apart from seeing a black car coming towards me and hearing loads of beeping...ion even know how long i was in a coma for".

Lisa's crash definitely had something to do with Elgin because he has or had a black car and word round town is that his home boys got in a wreck too and that can't be a coincident either.

"I was so worried about you"i glanced into her eyes.

My phone started ringing and i looked to see who it was then, i declined their call.

"Why worry about me?i'll always be fine".

I felt a tear come to my eye and i tried to blink it away.

"Because you're the only person that truly cares about me and loves me".

Nobody really cares for me the way Lisa does besides Earl,he's like a brother to me.

"Hey,there's loads of people that care about you babygirl".

She rubbed her thumb across the back of my hand.

"You don't understand what i mean Lisa"i quickly wiped away a tear that fell from my eye.

I don't want Lisa to see me crying even tho,she has multiple times before.

"Show me then".

I stood up and grabbed hold of her face and kissed her passionately.

She placed her hands on my hips and kissed me back.

Her kiss's made my stomach feel like there was fire works exploding inside.

She pulled away after a good few seconds and pecked my lips before sitting back.

"You still with that muthafucker?".

"It's complicated"i sighed and played with my fingers.

"I don't see why you stay with him especially after,he laid his hands on you and cheats on you all the time and treats you like shit".

I can tell that Lisa's frustrated that i'm still sort of with Elgin but i can't get rid of him,he just won't leave me alone.

"We're not together,I haven't seen him for a while and i just speak to him on the phone"i replied.

Lisa turned her head away from me.

"Yeh right"she smacked her lips "you'll be back with his ass as soon as he says that he loves you".

"Lisa,why are you tripping?".

"I'm not,it's just the truth....you will get back with him and make yo self look stupid".

"Okay whatever"i spoke lowly then stood up.

"I love you and i'll see you tomorrow"i kissed her on the cheek and walked out the room.

I would've liked to see Lisa longer but i know all's she would've talked about how i'm being mistreated by Elgin and that i deserve better which i already know.

I don't know why Aaliyah was getting mad over me speaking the truth when,i know she is just gonna get back with him.

But,if she wants to get mad for what i say then she can,i don't care.

If he supposedly had something to do with my accident then why the fuck is she talking to him?

I know his home boys had something to do with it and i don't know about Elgin but if they did,he probably did too.
Thank god Lisa is okay but seems like things aren't looking so good for her already.

Will Aaliyah get back with Elgin or will she not?

Could there be more trouble?

When,Whitney said that Lisa had already hurt Aaliyah maybe it could be Aaliyah thats already hurting Lisa..

Stay tuned guys...


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