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Watching her run away, Mo Yuan sighed heavily.  He really had no idea what else to say to her, having given everything of himself in that little talk.  But he knew she needed time to come to terms with it, after all she had been mourning her husband to be for three months only to learn he was not only alive but he was not who she thought he was.

But it was what it was and he wouldn't have done it any differently.  Well maybe the robe, he thought to himself.  He had been purposely wearing it in the hope that she would come and she would recognize that last part of his soul and run to him.  Only he really hated the gown, it didn't suit his tastes at all, and now that she knew, he was going back to what he normally wore.

Only the sound of her soft sobbing fast ebbing away as she ran further from him, had his eyes slowly lowering sadly.   He had expected the confusion and a possible backlash, now that she was gone, he couldn't help but feel rejected by her swift departure.  She hadn't said a single word, she had merely gaped at him as if it was all just a sick joke and it hurt. 

Turning back to look at her family, he suddenly felt very very tired.  All of them had questions and none of them moved to chase her, so sitting back down, he turned his attention to her mother, who would no doubt have the most questions.

"What about A Li?" her mother asked once she was over the shock of his confession.  Her mind had automatically gone to the child, as any mother would have done and now that she knew the child was theirs, there was no way she was going to allow the Celestials to raise him a moment longer.

"He is my son, and I have already claimed him as such." he replied honestly and stunning them all over again.

"You what?" Zhe Yan asked goggling at him.

"I have spoken to Di Jun already and arrangements have been actioned for my child.  He is here and safe." Mo Yuan replied quickly.

"And Haode just let you take him?" The Empress asked incredulously.

"Of course he did.  He's my son."

A moment of quiet pause ensued.  It just seemed incredible that Mo Yuan and Ye Hua were one and the same man.  They had all known both versions of himself, yet to Bai Zhis mind, now that their separate identities had combined, he immediately recognized the younger version he had once known.

He had not known of the spell of course, but he had known Mo Yuan as a friend, confidante and even brother, so he knew his personality better than any of them including Zhe Yan.  And he had also noticed the moment Mo Yuan had changed.  He was too focused, far more patient and perhaps even a little kinder in the way he spoke.  But he had also lost the sparkle in his eye.  He was never rude to the women who had come calling for special favours, but he had been outright blunt with them.   It was as if he had lost all interest in women over night and it had bothered him.    Though he had put it down to Mo Yuans disappointment in being passed over for the throne for Di Jun.  And instantly that brought on the next question.

"And the Celestial throne?" Bai Zhi inquired seeing as Ye Hua was now longer there and he was. .

"Haode will remain until A Li is of age to take over." 

"He is also the heir of Qing Qiu." The Empress reminded him and not liking the insinuation that Celestials throne was more important when to her mind, Qing Qiu was in fact the greater and far more wealthier than all the realms combined  

It wasn't entirely true, but the lack of thought before giving his answer, suggested he thought so.

"That we can discuss at a later date with his mother." he simply replied and not wanting to talk politics having worn himself out already.  He also didn't want to discuss anything more of A Li without his mother present and the look on his face, quickly had her changing topic.

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