A Nice Beach Trip

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Phil re read the letter he got one last time. It seemed like the people on Dreams side of the war were being dickheads and now Schlatt's taken over their country. He looked at his wings wondering how long he could travel for. He got golden apples and potions for the trip there and started flying towards The Dream Smp. He flew across mountains, flower biomes, new countries and destroyed countries. Phil enjoyed just flying through the air. It was peaceful to him it felt so natural he even let out a bird chip now and again laughing at himself as he did so.

But after a few days flying across countries got tired very quickly for Phil. Eventually he found a country to rest. It seemed more developed then the others. The blonde spots a car outside someone's house. The idiot left the keys on top the car obviously not going in for long. And Phil wasn't waiting out here for long. He hid his wings and got comfortable in the seats. He had a rough guess on how to driv-

"OH JESUS FUCK!" Phil slammed the gas pedal and sped down the dirt path leading towards The Dream Smp. He soon got the hang of how to drive and even got the radio on at one point.
"People change like the tides in the ocean."

"Okay what the fuck i know that voice. Wait hes in a fight how the fuck did he make mus-"

Phil recognised the distance rainbow castle for when Wilbur decided to draw pictures of the buildings around him to show Phil. Phil hid the car in the forest and started to sneak around the smp. If what he was told was true then Tommy Techno and Wilbur were all a far bit away from the actual Smp. Phil snuck around the houses and flew up to Erets tower. He saw a familiar brunette standing next to who he could assume Schlatt.

"You idiot Tubbo! Do it again but the colours I asked!" Schlatt yelled and him and left. Tubbo sighed having to re decorate the entire festival because Schlatt didn't like the colours. Phil felt bad for the kid. He climbed down the ladder. He waited until Tubbo started taking down decorations from the stall near the tower to grab him and take him inside the tower.

"Tub-" Tubbo punched Phil and got out his grip and equipped a sword.

"OW FUCK!" Phil shouted holding his chin.

"Phil?" Tubbo unequipped. "Holy shit Phil I'm sorry but you really shouldn't do that dude." Phil rubbed his chin.

"Well I know that now. Come on were going on a trip." Tubbo nodded not caring where they were going. He almost broke down after Schlatt yelled at him. Everything that happened to him slowly piling up almost pushing him to his limits. It was night and he hadn't slept in days. The times he did he just passed out. Woke up either in a comfortable bed or a kick to the side. Tubbo just wanted a bit of peace.

"Hey could you take me to where the other kids are?" Phil asks.

"Sure just this way." Tubbo guided him to the tunnel under the lake avoiding anyones eyes. Going through the tunnel Phil was happy he would be able to see his sons again. As they got to a dead end Tubbo mined through a wall. He heard three different voices. They both went up the stairs where he saw Tommy the closest back facing him and Techno and Wilbur talking to each other. Phil walked up behind Tommy. He went to punch him but Phil dodged.

"Ha!" Then he got kicked in the legs.

"Ah shit!" He collapsed.

"Phil?" The three voices called out.

"I told you Phil." Tubbo laughed appearing behind him.

"Tubbo!" Tommy called out and hugged his friend.

"Wow okay then. Leaving the old man to die i see how it is" Phil joked and got himself up.

"What are you doing here dad?" Wilbur asked confused.

"From the letters you've been giving me you all seemed stressed. I know I'm not allowed here for now since it's drama between nations but i just wanted to take my kids out for some peace and quiet. And Tubbo." Phil explained and Tubbo waved through Tommy's arms. 

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