How Reaper meet bad/ more questions to answer

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// author p.o.v//

" okay, next question. Are you ready to answer the question with me bad?" He asked  his friend, badboyhalo." Yes bog muffin, i am ready." His friend said in joking way causing him to laugh and read the questions." First questions! Is from Reapers_simp. It says,' how did you and badboyhalo met each other?' A moment of silence was heard between the two friends.

" how did we actually met? I kinda forgot about it since it's been years anyway." " You didn't remember big muffin? I'll can tell it to the stream. Am i on speaker right?" His friend asked a questioned." Yeah, your still on the speaker bad." Said the dark brown haired boy." Okay. So ready you're popcorn ' cause this is gonna be a long story children." Bad started as it was added." Or simps" causing bad to laugh a bit.


It was weekend and badbohalo decided tonstream a little differently. " okay guys, today i will generate a random minecraft world and build a house. Yes a house of my own, this will be awesome! I'll start eith this oak wood." He punched a tree until it's only leaves and waited for a saplings to fall into the ground cause he loves motber nature and respect it.

What he didn't know that a fellow player has also joined him in the server.

[ReaperXO has joined the game]

" and there we go. I planted the fallen sapling! It will grow back now." Said bad before he notice that another gamer has join." Oh! Another player has joined us! Did input this in multiplayer? I gues i did. Oh well, we must be living close in real life for him to join me." Said bad as he continued the stream for hours until he build a small house only for him, after finishing the house, he decided to end the stream there.

" okay guys. This is it for today! Hope you guys subscribe and see you next time. Bye muffins!" After ending his stream, he was tired but still continued working on the world for his muffins and it was time to mining. After mining lots and lots of iron, he decided to go back to his mini house before stopping to see a huge house near his." Wow! I never knew the player was actually good at building stuff!"  He watch the player finish building, then start running to his house and the player place something like a flower then left.

" aw! The player left me a flower. How sweet!"


It's been days. He was still getting more flowers by the unknown player so he decided to go and meet him. When he did, he saw the player turn around and saw him and drop some diamonds. He type it in the chat.

Badboyhalo: thank you for the flowers and also for the diamonds! Little muffin!

ReaperXO: you're welcome! And little muffin?

Badboyhalo: oh sorry! I just call that to my fans that all.

ReaperXO: its fine.

Badboyhalo: can you open your mic big muffin?

ReaperXO: hold on a sec.

" hallo? Is this working?" A deep voice sounded from him." Oh my god, your voice was deep! So i'm gonna ask you a simple question. Why do you give me flowers and diamonds neighbor?" Bad asked with a little tease." Nothing. I was bored so i started to give you flowers and diamonds."

They both got along with each other and from then on they started to do things together


" so that's how we met." Bad finished as the dark brown haired man spoke," so that's how. Damn, I was bored back then"" you really are" the other chuckled as the dark brown haired man deeply chuckle back. And with that story being told, they continued reading question and answering more that was thrown to them. " okay so! What's the next question big muffin?" Bad asked S the dark brown haired male stopped looking at the comments section as he found another one.

" here's one. 'What's your real name?' By User87" he said." That's a great question! Now thst moment, cause someone mention it. What is your real name big muffin?" Asked bad as he became quiet, waiting for the answer from his dark brown haired friend." Uh...., i won't be answering that for a moment, cause i will reveal that unformation along with my face." The mad answered in straight forwardly. Feeling a little sad, Bad decided to let the matter go.

"Aw, okay big muffin i understand

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' wait do you mean ReaperXO is planning the face receal?!'

' I smell some tea☕️☕️'

'Let's go!'

' yep. Maybe he's waiting for to be 60 million. I mean, its half way there'

"Actually, that's the one person on the comments section is right about that. I will revealing it as sooon as it hits 60 million, for now you just know me as ReaperXO instead." The man said with a smile." That's great! Then i- i mean We! We'll support you Big muffin!" Said bad, smilling on the other line." Next question. 'Do you like-like Dream?' " he felt his face flashed red and go warm after reading the question out loud before answering.

"Wait. Wait. Wait! You like dream?!" Bad asked in disbelief in his voice." What!? N-No! I dont!"

" uh, you literally just stuttered big muffin!"

" haha no."

" what do you mean no?!"


" okay. I don't know what it means but explain please big muffin."

" okay. Thank you bad."

Taking a deep breathe, as he answered the question." Okay first of all, i do like dream. But! But, not 'like-like' in more that friends. Were friends."

[comments section]
Current views: 14, 240, 700 people is watching this

' he likes me'

' no he doesn't. Plus you have george'

' I rather have Reaper thank you very much'

' damn'

'They fite'

'I'm just gonna ship them all'

" omg. Stop fighting on the comment section mga bobo! I literally can't read the question when your fighting there." The dark brown haired man sighed in annoyance." Let's just answered more question big muffin." Suggest bad as the dark brown haired went quickled bore speaking," bad im sad. Please hug me." " aw, don't be sad big muffin. Of course i'll hug you!"

( note: this is not a copyright. It was inspired from the someone who i forgot cause i lost my attention to what am i reading)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2021 ⏰

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