First episode

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With Hayden

John: What's the plan again?

Kenzie: Yeah I am confused too.

Hayden: We need to kidnap Jacob's girlfriend. So her father comes and gets her and give as what we want.

Jayden: We want?

Hayden: Oh my god guys ! Our fucking  diamond that Jacob stole.

Carson: Why then we are not going after Jacob?

Hayden: He gave it to his father in law. And we are going to their family party, kidnapping the girl, then getting our diamond back.

John: Ok. When is the party?

Hayden: Tomorrow night.

Jayden: So we're going?

Hayden: No we're going to wait until she comes outside. And then we grab her.

Kenzie: Ok.

Carson: Sounds good.

With Annie 

Billy: No fighting with Jacob tomorrow night! Understand me!?

Annie's POV : I rolled my eyes.

Annie: Maybe  I wouldn't fight with him if I wasn't have to date him!!!


Annie's POV: I put my middle finger up to him.

- slaps Annie-

Billy: Don't embarrass me tomorrow!

Annie's POV: I held my cheek.... I tried hard to keep my tears back.

Billy: You are such a disappointment.

-walks off-

Annie's POV: I felt tears roll down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away. I'm Annie nad I'm dating Jacob. We hate each other but both of our families are rich so we're forced to date each other. We fight all the time but we look like the perfect couple in the public. I'm part of his gang and he treats me like a baby. Tomorrow might he and his family is coming to our home for dinner.His family is huge too. it's awful. A few members of my family is coming too. I hate my dad...he constantly hurts me. I walked upstairs and into my room.

-Annie get raedy for bed-

-At 5am-

Annie's POV: I start getting ready the day. I needed to go to our gang base.

-After Annie got dressed, she went downstrais and left-

Jacob: You're late!

Annie: I don't give a fuck.

Jacob: What did you just say?

Annie: You heard me.

Jacob: -punches Annie's stomach- DON'T DISRESPECT ME!

Annie's POV:  I held my stomach and coughed a few times.

Jacob: Let's go.

Annie's POV: I straightend myself out and follewed him to the car. I got in and we drove off.

-They arrived to the base and teh gen inside-

Annie's POV: We stood there for a second and then Asher walked up to us.

Asher: We still good for the plan tonight?

Jacob: Yes start training.

Annie's POV: I looked at Jacob shocked.

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