Chapter 6

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-30 minutes later-

Annie's POV: I stared wake up. I tried to sit up but I lay back down because it hurt too much.

Annie: Agh

Hayden: You're awake

Annie: What the fuck is this 

Hayden: You got stabbed Annie. But Kenzie shot her

Annie: Good

Hayden's POV: I slowly made my way to the bed

Annie: Can you stay with me?

Hayden: -smiles- sure 

Hayden's POV: I got in the bed and laid with Annie 

Annie's POV: I grabbed Hayden's hand and closed my eyes

-With the others-

Jayden: So did you asked him about them dating 

John: He said they kissed so Mads would let them alone and that they aren't dating

Kenzie: Yeah but they kissed

John: Yeah

Kenzie: He loves her

John: That would I told him

Carson: Why would he loves her?

Kenzie: Can't you see how she change him?

John: He would never acted that way to Mads

Jayden: Yeah he was right in there to help her

Kenzie: They should just date soon

Jayden: Yeah she is pretty 

John: And she is in a gang

Kenzie: But thats the problem. Her gang will be after us if she join us

Carson: Yeah I guess

John: But she can if she wants

Kenzie: But she would be n danger. At least Hayden isn't hurting her

John: Well we know he likes her 

Jayden: Yess

John: And she likes him

Kenzie: Yess

-With Hayden-

Hayden's POV: I don't know what is different about Annie but god. She makes me feel special. I never felt like this before. I fell asleep with Annie

Jayden's POV: I slowly walkes into Annie's room to cheak on her. I froze when I saw her and Hayden cuddling. They love each other. I walked out

-1 hour later-

Annie's POV: I get up and i walk downstairs and I saw Jayden

Jayden: Hey

Annie: Hey

Jayden: How do you feel?

Annie: It hurts

Jayden: Are you and Hayden have a thing?

Annie: Like we are dating?

Jayden: Yeah

Annie: No?

Jayden: I came earlier and I saw you both cuddling

Annie: You did?

Jayden: -smiles- You don't have to be embarrassed Annie. We don't mind you being here

Annie: Thanks

Jayden: Actually....we are pretty sure Hayden going to ask you to join us

Annie : Wait what?

Jayden: What's wrong?

Annie I wouldn't be able to do that..

Jayden: What? Why not?

Annie: Jacob is going to hurt Hayden

Jayden: Hayden can protect himself 

Annie: You don't get it 

Jayden: Get what?

Annie: Jacob is trains everyday. He trains from 5am to 8pm everyday

Jyaden: Whait what?

Annie: So I would be scarded

-after a while Riley came-

Riley: What's going on?!?!

Jayden:  We don't know

Kenzie: She just started crying out of no where

Riley: Hayden!

Hayden: I didn't do anything

Riley: Hold her arms

Hayden's POV: I was confusec but I did it anyways

Riley's POV: I took oiut a needle from my bag 

Annie's POV: I felt a needle go into my neck and I gasped for air

Hayden's POV: I could barely watch Riley. Why was she doing this to Annie?

Annie's POV: I saw everything went black

Hayden's POV: Annie fell asleep and fell into me 

Hayden: Waht did you do?!

Riley: Relax I just put her to sleep

Hayden: Why 

Riley: Because Jacob has a tracker in her neck. She knosws she is here. I need to remove it quickly

Hayden: Wait what?! You're going to remove it?!

Jayden: Do you know what you're doing ?!

Riley: Uh....nope 

Riley's POV: I remove the chip and I put it in a bag

Riley: I am going to take it far away from here. If Jacob calls tell him you took her far away from here

Hayden's POV: I nodded 

-Riley left-

Hayden's POV: I looked at my phone and Jacob was calling me 

Hayden: -answers- Hello

Jacob: Hello Summerall. You have Lebalnc 

Hayden: I dodn't have her anymore 

Hayden's POV: I hung up and put my phone down

Hey everyone so I post it. This is the chapter 6 of Gang love. I would post soon. Anyways hope you all like it. Don't forget to Vote and Comment!!

Xoxoxo writer

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