Chapter 22

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                                                                 Jules' Pov 

 It's a few weeks later, tommorow my twins have their 13 birthday. I am exetited for their birthday but they also going to becaume gangsters. Because me and Hayden aren't into this type of things yet, Mr Jimmy is going to do it. Hayden's dad offerd to do it because and this and because they are our kids

Someone knocked on the door of my room. Ι went to opend my door. I saw Ella and Leo on my door

''Hey kiddos'' I said to them

''Hi auntie Jules'' Ella said in a little baby tone  

''What's up ?'' I asked them

'' Daddy said he wants you down'' Leo said in a little baby tone 

'' Wanna come with me?'' I asked them while I closed the door

'' We are gonna go play, otay?'' Ella said in a little baby tone

'' Go play kids'' I said and went downstairs 

I saw Carson sitting at the sofa and waiting for me

''Hey Cars'' 

'' Hey Jules, Hayden wants  you for something'' Carson said 

'' Alright, is he at his office?'' I asked Carson

''Yea he is, he is waiting for you'' Carson said and walked into the kitchen 

I walked straight into Hayden's office. Maybe it is somethimg important. I knocked on Hayden's door

''Come in'' Hayden said 

I opened the door and walked into the office

''Hey babe'' Hayden said

''Hi'' I answered him and sat at the chair infront of Hayden's desk

'' So what's up?'' I asked him

Hayden took out some papers and some keyes. '' What are these?'' I asked him

'' Look at them first'' He told me

I took the papers at my hands and start reading the after a few minutes my head pop up

''No way, the papers for the kids house!?'' Ι said

''Yes babe they are'' He said and smile at me 

                                                                Lily's Pov

''I can't believe we are moving at Wensday'' Noelle said

''Yea me too'' I answered her

Today is Monday one day before our birthday, tommorow is our party and at Wensday we are moving into our gang house 

'' I still can't belive that you guys are going to becaume gangsters'' Carter said

'' Why because I will be able to point a gun at your head?'' Ryder asked Carter

He didn't answer, and this made all of us laugh

'' Someone is scared of Ryder'' Avi said and laughed

''Same goes for you'' Ryder said dead serious

''But I am your best friend'' Avi said worried

'' And I don't give a fuck'' Ryder said

I can't believe my brother. Is he so serius, he is able to kill his own best friend?

Sudenlly I heard a laugh , I turned around and saw Noelle laughing

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 ⏰

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