Chapter 7

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"Zaynah, I can explain," she came forward and held my hand.

"Were you guys planning to kill me?" I asked her blinking my eyes from hot tears.

" What the hell," she jerked my hands away.

"How could you think like... I mean have you lost your mind? " She gave me a weird look.

Great..." The pot calling the kettle black".

Didn't you overreact??
Ummm yess maybe...but still she should lower her voice!

"What is going on in your mind Zaynah? " She wiggled her eyebrows and her face showed a lot of emotions.

"Okay, so why did you hide it from me? When you knew him then why were you messing with him in college?" I started bombarding questions at her.

" Omggg... don't tell me you guys are dating? Like some secret dating things..." I put my hands on my mouth and rolled my eyes dramatically.

"Stfu or I'll split your throat," she slapped my hands.

" He's my brother"

"Like a real one? I mean...."

"Biological brother, we have the same parents," she cut me off and sighed.

Why?? I've got only one good friend in my whole life who turned out to be the sister of the person I hate the most. Whyy??

"Cool, so you guys eat the same food," I chewed my bottom lips and scanned her face.

" What do you mean? Why are you asking these stupid questions?" She looked irritated.

" I mean when you guys eat the same food, grew in the same house, have the same genes then I don't understand how on the earth a guy like him can belong to your family," I asked in a serious tone.

" Please Zaynah, he's not that bad," she sniffed a little.

"He's the worst person I've ever known," I retorted.

" So why did you hide from me?" I came to the main point.

" We went to the same school..." She sighed.

I waited for her to complete her sentence but she was lost in her thoughts.

"Zara, what's wrong?" I made myself comfortable on the couch and yawned.
I'm sleepy...I need sleep... Good sleep...

" Are you even listening to me?"

"Are you even speaking anything?"

" Okay so he isn't only popular in college, he was also the most popular guy in our school, and it sucks, believe me, Zaynah it's sucks. I was never Zara Shah, I was always the little sister of Wajahat Shah. A lot of girls used to befriend me just to get closer to my brother, you know how much it sucks when you know people see no good in you, they were ready to lick my ass for my brother, they were never my friend, Can you believe Zaynah, I had no real friend in my whole life," her voice cracked up and tears were slipping on her pink cheeks. I froze at my place.

"Zaynah, those girls played with me, with my life...just cuz I was his little sister. I had no life, no existence. So I decided,  I will no longer be his little sister. I'll make my own identity," she took a deep breath and looked at me.

" You know what Zaynah, you're the first girl who doesn't like my brother. You befriended me cuz of me. You're my first real friend, the first day I was scared that you'll behave like them but whatever you said about my brother, made me happy. I know I'm selfish... " She lowered her head and a pang of slight guilt was clearly visible on her face.

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