Chapter 1

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"Chrystal Lynn, are you ready?" my mum asks, anger rising in her tone.
"Yes, hold on mum, I'm grabbin' my house keys."
"Okay, well hurry up, your grandfather is waiting."
"Okay, I'm ready. Lets go."

I slowly walk to the door, the one that determines if I'm good enough to pursue my dreams. I always wanted this, but what if my good enough isn't, you know, good enough?

I walk in and to my surprise, the room is huge.

"Hello, Chrystal, is it?" asks a tall guy, standing by a table ready to pull out a chair.

"Yes, yes my name is Chrystal. And you are?"

"Oh, me? I'm the son of the guy who is interviewing you. Hopefully you get the job."

"And why is that?"

He gets a big grin on his face, "Because, you are classically beautiful."

"Oh," I feel the blush coming into play, "thank you.." I say and sit down as he pulls out the chair enough for me to squeeze in.

As soon as i sit down, a tall man with a little bit of scruff on his face walks in.

"Hello, Chrystal. Are you ready?"


"Okay, let's get started. What is your greatest failure, and what did you learn from it?"

"Um, probably when I was in middle school and I failed my science class. I know not a big deal, but this affected me in many ways. I learned that I need to take action, and if my team members aren't benefiting me in any way, to address the person in charge of it." I say, a little nervously.

"Okay, um, what are your key strengths?"

"Key strengths? Uh, my ability to know when a person is bad news. I know, never judge a book by its cover, right? But I can just tell when a person is bad. I think that is important for this job, considering if I get it, I have to ask questions. And I know when people are lying cause I know how to read body language."

"Mm-hmmm, Give examples of steps taken to make each team member feel important."

"Well, don't take all the credit. Also, make sure your team member is happy with what they are doing. Make sure they know they are equal in everything."

"Okay, Have you ever had difficulty getting others to accept your ideas?"



"I was the outcast, the one people didn't like, so people never considered me until college."

"Okay, well, it is my lunch hour, so I will get back to you. In the meantime, if you would like to speak to my son and make friends."

"Okay, sure thank you." I say with a smile plastered across my face.
That was nerve racking. I think to myself.

"You did good. You're totally getting the job."

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