Returning back to Istanbul after Hazar Funeral,
The young man was all destroyed,destroyed into that much pieces which can't even be collected to bring into existence again,He was going through the pain which leave others beside he could not even know how to describe to himself,The pain he was feeling now was never even close to the one he lived in his childhood on hearing about the death of his fake Father,Mehmet Aslanbey, this pain never resembled that one, this pain was so much bigger to define,so much intense that it shattered his whole being,He lost the Man he truely loved after Reyyan, He lost the Man he was charmed by even when he used to hate him by all his heart and mind,He lost the Man he got to say 'BABA' after whole 27 years of hating him..
With his limp steps he found himself infront of the Hospital where his beloved "Reyyan" was lying all unaware of her surroundings, He composed his weak body a little,he did made a true effort to reach to Reyyan as soon as he can, maybe to get the strength lost in him from her, He just wanted to have a sight of her body breathing next to him to get rid of the images of cold breathless body of "Hazar,His father" which not even once got away from his eyes from the moment he seen it. He just wanted to hold her hand to ensure himself that all this will too pass, that she will fill each and every void in him,He just wanted to breath the same air as hers just to ensure himself that she will collect each and every piece lost in him,He moved himself with all his mighty towards the room she was in with the believe that She will heal him as she did always,He turned the knob of the door slightly as he was afraid to fear her when she wasn't even conscious, He entered the room with silent and little foosteps towards her bed with his eyes closed because he was afraid,afraid of what if he got to see his one and only reason of living now to see in the same condition he seen his father just 24 hours ago,He opened his eyes with the voice of machinery that was measuring her pulse,this voice seemed a melody to him which others might feel disturbing to be surrounded by, putting his hands over his mouth,he left his watery tears that pricked out his reddened and dry eyes free to fall on his reddened cheeks on watching her little figure moving with the rythm of her breathing,Their was blend of feelings Both Delight and Pain in the same moment rushing through his body, Delight of seeing her Breath and Pain of seeing her comatosed state,Their were unspoken dialogues of both Gracias and Complain at his lips, Gracias for still being here for him,Complain for not returning back to him,He shattered to the ground close to the edge of her bed,
After hours of watching her silently and falling next to her,"Ben geldim,Reyyan"~"I came,Reyyan" is all made it's way out of his mouth,He have to say so much to her,to tell her about all, he is lacking in is the courage to bring his words to his mouth, Getting a view of his Hazar's corpse infront of his eyes sudddenly,he strongly holded her hand which was free of i.v infusion,as begging her to get him out of his world which was not less than hell for him, he was just like a little child who get hold of the things he trust the most when he got afraid,
He was totally unaware of his surrounding juat as Reyyan only difference was that she was medically declared to be in coma and he was undeclared, He didn't felt the coldness of the still ground he was sitting on from hours, the brutal coldness that was penetrating his body gradually making him tremble from cold yet He was just aware of the warm and only connection he was having with Reyyan's hand,His Heart and Mind both was just conscious to that string of connection,Only he knows how much he urged that moment to have Reyyan holding his hand back with as much force as he was holding it..
Hours passed,Neither Reyyan holded his hand back Nor he got the courage to speak,
He just kept watching her still yet breathing body,His dried lips hurted on parching into a sad delight when he reminded of Reyyan's irritable face whenever he traced her face with his fingers while she was sleeping, He brought his other hand close to her face never leaving her hand, He began to trace her face exactly in the same he used to do before but this time only thing he longed for never happened shredding his inside apart, he did traced her face all over again with the hope to get little movement this time,He failed,He did tried multiple never getting the response he urged for with all his being,
With trembling hands and with the feeling of hopelessness that captivated his heart and mind,he did traced one last time starting from her forehead down to her lips and chin with the tears that fell one upon another irritating his already reddened eyes onto Reyyan's radiant cheeks shadowed by her eyelashes,On having sight of her Expressionless face this time too, a loud sob left his lips without him even aware of it..
"Uy-, uya-, uyanıp, N- Na- Napıyo-, Napıyosun, M-, Mir, Miraan de- deme- demeyecek mis- misin Reyyaaan!"~
Wo-nt, Wont y-ou you w-, wa-ke, wake u-p, up a-, and sa-, say wh-at,what a-, are yo-, you doi-ng, doing M-, Mir, Miraan, Reyyaaan!~ he stammered mustering up all the courage he have in him while falling into the hands of hopelessness that his body was already began a captive of..
(Uyanıp napıyosun Miraan demeyecek misin Reyyaaan!~Wont you wake up and say what are you doing Miraan,Reyyaaan!)After availing another hour,He finally spoke up,He let all the words out that's tearing him,He breaked all the strong chains of hopelessness that was tying him again with the lesson he taught from her beloved
Reyyan that "Umut her zaman var~Hope is always there""Hep diyosun ya Mucizelere inan diye, Şimdi Bak Eğer sen ben seni uyan diyence uyanacaksan Ömrümün son nefesim kadar Mucizelere inanıcem Reyyan!~You always say Believe in Miracle,Now look,If you wake up as i say, I will beleive in Miracle untill last breath of my life!"~He stated with all his heart,
His Heart sinked having no response from her side,It was hurting him,it was turning him crazy minute by minute,second by second,it was making all his other feelings to go numb,
"Uyan Meleğim Lütfen~Wake up my angel Please"~He begged tightened his grip over her hand which he never left from the moment he holded it.
Neither worked,
He roamed his sight all over her lying figure,his mind revisited the moment when he lost his world as she lost her connection with this world and closed her eyes depriving him to have the sight into the world he's comfortable in and thrown him into the world so strange and unknown to him.
But she entursted the most precious gift of her's to him which he didn't even have a second sight till now, He remembered how Zehra begged him multiple times to hold umut in his hands but he refused, might be because he was acussing that little soul who just came into a whole new world very unrecognized to him of Reyyan's this condition, might be because he was angry on that little soul for snatching his miracle from him, Miran was angry enough to act selfish!
His Heart tugged at that little soul and the mercilessness from his side towards him who lost connection with his mother in an effort to open his little eyes to this world and never got any affection from his father infact got acussed by his own father and do punished by him with loneliness at his very first contact with this world.
"Umut!"~ his lips brought out the words for the very first time,
"Reyyan, ben umut'a kuçağıma alamadim, Alayamadim,Sensiz bakmadim onun yüzünü, Bakmazdim!~ "Reyyan, I could not take Umut in my arms, I could not take it, I did not look at his face without you, I would not look!"
~ he slipped out all the truth next to her ears,"Ve sensiz asla ne umut'a kuçağına alacem ne de bakacem ne de dokunacem~And without you I will never neither take him in my arms nor look nor touch Umut"~ he stated unaware of what he even saying,
"Eğer sen bana donmezsen umut yüzünu bakma- ~If you don't return to me,I will never ever look at Umut's fac-"~ he left void of words with the voices of the machines around him becoming stronger than before,
"Reyyyaaan"~He said in as loud voice as he can,his voice mixed with one quarter of excitement,one quarter of hope and was partly coated with fear,His eyes made a salty tear of delight and sadness to fell once again on his dried skin
"Reyyan duyusun beni?~Reyyan Can you hear me?"~ He questioned holding her face with both of his hands finally leaving her hand unable to make sense of what to do, to feel happy or to afraid, The unstopable loud sounds of machines began to threat his whole being when he yelled out of fear "Doktor, Doktor, Yardim edin"~Doctor, Doctor Help!"
Soon, the Doctors came and brought him out
They managed Reyyan,and told him that she got worse possibly feeling what he told her,His request to go to her again got refused this time.......《 》......
Part 2 will be up in few hours,Stay tuned
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First Encounter🖤
FanfictionHow will be the first Meeting of Miran with his Son,Their Baby Umut Şadoglu🖤💗 Starting date:04-04-2021 Completing date:04-04-2021 #2 in hercai/09.04.2021 #1 in hercai/10.04.2021