Chapter 4

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A/N: don't be fake as fuck and continue reading the story you mf. it's good. piss kink coming in the next chapter!!! here's chapter 4 you thirsty fucks:

Olivia was embarrassed. She confessed her feelings to somebody who's talking to someone else. She had to know who the other person was. Who could it possibly be? She had to ask Pansy. She surely knows more. She always does. She's so smart and beautiful, she's really everything somebody could possibly want.
Olivia started to look for Pansy. She had no idea where she was. She kept walking around the slytherin common room when she suddenly bumped into a tall strong blonde blue eyed figure. Draco. He turned around to look at her.
"Hello Olivia"
"...alright" he said as he started to turn back to his friends, who were standing next to him.
"h-have you s-s-seen pansy?" she quickly asked so she'd still have his attention.
"Oh yes. She just was in my dorm. maybe she left but I'm not so sure if she can still walk"
"o-o-oh... is she okay?"
"yeah yeah she just tripped" he said as he turned to his friends and started laughing.
Olivia had no idea why they were laughing. She was worried that pansy was hurt. She had to make sure she's okay. So she left draco and his friends as quickly as possible to go to his dorm, hoping that she was still there.
When she arrived she opened the door to see pansy sitting next to theo. She was confused on why pansy looked so exhausted. She chose to ignore it and watched theo and Pansy turn their attention to her.
"Oh hi liv!" said pansy as she smiled at her friend.
"hello Olivia. How come that you're here? Draco clearly isn't in his dorm. And I'm sure you're interested in him." theo said as he tried not to laugh.
The room was silent for a while before Pansy started to talk.
"Theo why don't you leave us alone for a while and go out of the room?"
"I don't know. I think it would be better if you'd walk, don't you think?" he said as he tried to hold in his laugh that he's been holding in since olivia entered the room.
"No, leave."
"alright" he said with a straight face now and left without saying anything else.
"What was that about?" Olivia asked, clearly being confused by the scenario.
"" pansy answered in a concerned tone.
"Oh okay 😊" said Olivia as she looked at her friend.
"Is there something you need from me or why else would you bother my and theo's conversation?"
"well I have a question"
"go on" said Pansy who was confused by her friend's sudden actions.
"Well do you know who draco is talking to?"
"God Olivia not this again" answered Pansy as she tried to stand up.
"why are you shaking so much? where did you trip? you don't seem okay."
"oh-... well I tripped over the... common room couch! yes the common room couch. Theo helped me get to his dorm, since it was closer than our's and now I'm here" answered Pansy as she sat down again.
"that makes sense.. alright 😊"
"yeah... well draco is talking to Astoria, if you need to know. but leave them alone. They seem like they're happy together, so don't destroy it." pansy answered with concern in her face, because she knew her friend wouldn't survive a day without her.
"I won't, don't worry! I'll go now. You and theo seem to work on your friendship here."
"Thank you Olivia .. tell theo he can come in now"
"yes, I hope you get well soon!"
"I will ... thank you"
Olivia got up and left the dorm. Theo was waiting outside and she looked at him for a second before saying:
"You can come in now, she's waiting for you. Oh and thank you for helping her!"
"I surely did help her in many ways.." he answered as he disappeared in his dorm.
"Whatever that's supposed to mean 🤨" said olivia quietly as she went back to the slytherin common room.
she had to apologize to Draco, that's for sure. but before she does that, she has to talk to Astoria.

to be continued...

A/N: I love theo so much. I'd suck his dick. I'm deadly serious. he can do whatever he wants to me. anyways. Pansy and theo tbh >>> #thansy (credits: kyle, thank you for this horrible ship name!!!)

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