While She Was Asleep

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This was a co-write for someone else's  story but it can stand alone. If you want to read the whole story, I'll link it in the comments.

Niall's POV-

I had to visit her again this morning, I just simply had to. Something inside me will not let me stay away, not until we know who she is at least.

I slipped my hoody up over my head, praying to remain unnoticed. I do for the most part remain unnoticed besides a few busy nurses hustling by. Maybe no one recognizes me, or maybe they have their own issues to deal with rather than calling out one fifth of One Direction. Whatever the reason is I'm thankful.

I finally make it to the safety of her empty room. Just like the last visit, her eye lids lay heavy and her body deathly still. You know what is so weird?  She looks like she is peacefully asleep and can wake up own her own at any time. But the doctor warned me not to get my hopes up with assumptions like that.

I slid the chair up against her bed, sitting down as I do. "Uh, it's me again, Niall." You wouldn't think it would be so awkward talking to her, well maybe you would. I mean it is short of my fault she's in a coma, I don't know even know her name and there's a good possibility she can't even hear me but I still feel the need to talk to her and apologize.

 "I'm so sorry. Our fans, they get a little wild and sometimes." I can't even believe the words I'm saying. How can I make excuses for pushing a girl down and not giving a damn about helping her back to her feet? Or stepping on a girl who was obviously hurt? Who does something like that?

 "This is not what I ever expected. I mean when I auditioned for The XFactor, it was just a chance and experience. Then things just grew and grew.  It was all of our dreams, and everything beyond what we could even dream of. But now, I don't even know if it’s still worth it. It's not that I'm not grateful for the fans and everything they given us, don’t get me wrong. It's just I miss being able to go outside without being mobbed, I miss being with my friends every day and not having to settle for a rushed phone call once a week or having to wait for a break in the tours. I miss my family. I miss normal life.  I miss not having to apologize for every word I say that even slightly displeases one person. I just miss being me." I confess while watching for any movement, for any hope she's in there.

"The rumors are the worst part. It's like high school all over again, just times six million girls all talking about you and their boyfriends and families hating on you for it. But it’s not all bad. Some of the rumors are actually funny, and Tumblr is insane. The best I've read is a toss-up between a pregnancy rumor of one of the mates and Harry dating Louis. I think they actually have a couple name.  Yeah they do, it’s Larry Stylinson. It's pretty funny. They're the best of mates and I guess that makes them a perfect couple, at least in the world of Photoshop and fandoms. I gotta hand it to them, some of pictures even seem real to the boys. Plus Harry and Louis play along, actually I think Louis enjoys the attention it gets them. Harry is also thankful for anything to be said about him that doesn’t involve the words home wrecking and cougars. The only one who is uncomfortable about it is probably Eleanor. I don't blame her, if a bunch of cu-sorry. I mean girls. If a bunch of girls was saying and pulling for my love to be gay and leave me, I'd be upset to."

I stopped for a moment to catch my breath. I slipped my hand in her's knowing that she couldn't pull away even if she wanted to, hopefully she wouldn't want to pull away. I sighed and took in some more air. Who knew one sided conversations can be so exhausting?

"You know, I think you would like her, Eleanor that is. She's nice and anyone who makes Louis as happy as he is, obviously says a lot about her character. Maybe you can meet her soon."

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