Chapter 7: Ladies and gentelmen I introduce.....

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Phoenix's POV*

 I jolted up right, looking around I wasn't in either room. 'It must have been a dream' I thought to myself I then remembered that Mia and I had switched rooms for the night. Just as I sat up the morning announcement went off. "Good morning brats. How's the law treating you? I hope you make today the worst day of someone's life."

The monitor shut off, I groaned and got out of bed. "I better be the first one to the cafeteria if I don't want to cause suspicion. I left the room and entered the cafeteria. The only person waiting there was Mia, silently drinking a cup of coffee. She was so still some might think she's dead. "Good morning Mia, the announcement went off so it won't be long before people start showing up." She ever so carefully turned her head and nodded at me.

"Oh Phoenix ,good morning. How did you sleep?"

"Well enough I suppose, what about y-." I didn't get to finish my sentence when both doors were pushed open. I turned my head towards the sound Prosecutor Godot strolled in. He was by himself and he took a seat next to Mia. "I like your taste in drinks although this cup's gone cold would you like me to.... W-What the hell?"

I walked around the table to be greeted by a horrible sight. "M-Mia explain this." Godot said motionned to the big gash on her arm. "Well I guess that explains why her response time was a lot slower than normal." I commented.

"You mean to tell me you didn't notice until I said something Trite?" I shook my head. "I was attacked last night." Mia said plainly. "What? But how we switched rooms you should have been..."

Everything fell into place, why Edgeworth had requested for us to switch rooms, why we had switched rooms in the first place and who attacked Mia. "I'll kill her." I mumbled. "Phoenix don't talk like that." Mia whispered out. "No this was between me and her, she didn't have to drag you into this." I said rather loudly. "What's he talking about? Dammit, nevermind she's losing blood fast. Trite, get to the kitchen to bring me something to stop the bleeding!" Godot yelled at me and I ran to the kitchen.

I could still hear their conversation going on. "She did this, didn't she." When Mia didn't reply I only assumed she nodded her head. By the time I found the first aid kit and had returned to the room Mia had her jacket off exposing her wound. I gave the kit to Godot and he started cleaning her wound. The doors opened again and in walked Maya. Great just what we needed, tailing behind her was Franziska and Gumshoe.

Maya gasped at the sight of her sister and she started crying while Franziska comforted her. More people began walking as Godot finished bandaging her arm. I was looking for Miles but he was nowhere to be seen, Maya had calmed down and I began to panic. "What seems to be the matter Mr. Wright?" Iris approached me seeing my worried expression.

"Miles is never late to anything, I hope nothing happened to him." Iris nodded. "That's true he's never late to anything." Everyone sat down and we waited, it had been 10 minutes and he still wasn't here. Out of nowhere Magmakuma popped up.

"Man Edgeworth is Reallllllllllly late, maybe one of you should go check on him, y'know just to make sure he isn't dead." Franziska bolted for the door in her 5 inch heels and all we could do was wait.

The cafeteria was silent and no one said a word. "What is this really about Magmakuma?" Angel growled, Magmakuma only laughed. "I know for a fact that Mr Edgeworth would never be this late." Ema pointed out. The doors burst open and Franziska looked pissed.The minute she walked in however Magmakuma crackled , Maya who was standing next to me collapsed and I caught her before she could hit the ground.

Then one by one people became the same state as Maya. It was Apollo who collapsed next and four people were knocked unconscious. Franziska stood at the door, her anger turning to confusion. "What- what is this about?" Franziska demanded. Magmakuma laughed as if it was the funniest thing in the whole world.

"Did you really think you could live your entire life without SOME sort of action? I'm bored and no one is dead, SO to spice things up I've added a little motive." I looked at Franziska. "Is Miles okay? He's not dead right?" Franziska shook her head and sighed.

"My brother is as well as he could be, he's in the exact state of these four." I sighed, just knowing he was alive was enough for me. "I suggest you take care of your sick friends! Or at least be kind enough to put them back in their rooms for some rest. Once that's done I'd like you all in the gym so I can explain the motive properly." He disappeared.

I saw Klavier pick up Apollo bridal style and head out of the cafeteria, Simon following with Athena on his back. I put Maya on my back and headed out too, before I left I noticed Jake and Angel moving Godot towards the door. I got Maya in her bed and left the room locking her door to make sure she wouldn't be attacked while I was gone.






With all of us back in the gym Magmakuma appeared on the stage with what looked like a power point.

"Now let me explain. Participants : Miles Edgeworth, Apollo Justice, Maya Fey, Athena Cykes and Godot have caught a mysterious disease. This disease affects each participant differently. For example one could be shy while the other could be bold. The one thing each of them have in common is the fever-like symptoms.... Oh I guess I should mention that the emotion and symptoms get severely worse if the participant is face to face with their crush. Therefore I've given it the name : The lovers disease."

We all stood still, dazed and confused. Why was this happening to us? "The only way I will remove the disease from your friends is if someone ends up dead. If no one dies in the next 24 hours I will be forced to take drastic measures."

This was bad, no one really knew just how bad it was. He was gone but no one actually moved.

"I'm going to check on Herr Justice."

Klavier stated but before he could leave Mia stopped him. " Wait! It wouldn't be wise. Think about it, it would be much better if we each looked after someone who we can confirm doesn't have a crush on us." We all discussed who would take care of who.

"Okay so Franziska will take care of Miles, Angel will take care of Athena, Phoenix will take care of Godot, Jake will take care of Apollo and I will take care of my sister." Mia told everyone, Klavier turned. "And what are the rest of us supposed to do. I'd rather not sit around and do nothing."

Anybody in the room could tell he was pissed off. Mia shrugged. "Just try and occupy yourself or come up with a strategy to help us." Mia was about to leave when Klavier stopped her for the last time. "How long will this be, I don't want to never see him again."

"You heard the bear, either until we find a solution that doesn't require someone to die or when someone ends up dead." Mia held her arm as she exited the gym.


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