Chapter 26: Drinks, Discussion and better music.

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A/N : Hey guys thanks for the wait, just a small note before we start I have started up an Instagram account to keep you posted about updates and future
chapters and even some sneak peaks. The account is @ace_detective_ on Instagram. Sometimes I'll go live while typing this story or any future story I will post so you can come and ask questions! Anyway that's it keep an eye out for chapters and future stories enjoy 😉

*3rd Person's POV*

The duo began to kick off their awesome concert, with Apollo on piano and Klavier with a guitar and mic the music was bound to be spectacular. Some hit the dance floor immediately, others had to be convinced. Mia however had a plan of her own, she headed to the table filled with drinks and found a spot next to Prosecutor Godot, who up until now had been observing the party from afar.

"How are you enjoying the party Mr. Armando?" Mia asked, she was trying to get him to slip up with his name. Godot only chuckled. "Nice try Ms. Fey but that isn't my name." Mia sighed, she had been caught in her act. "I wouldn't be so sure about that." Mia wasn't about to lose her confidence over one failed attempt. She had evidence this time, and she wasn't about to back down.

"You still won't give up on that?" He asked, Mia shook her head. "Well it's not like it matters, it isn't as if you had any real evidence in the first place." Godot took a sip of his beverage. "Actually........About that." Mia said, reaching for the motive letter. "This time, I do." She handed the letter to him and he took one look at it. "It's blank." He commented. Mia rolled her eyes.

"Because you have to open it." Mia told him. He followed her instructions and opened the letter. Across the top of the page listed the following: Godot/Diego Armando's motive letter. "Damn, I guess there's no escaping that." He handed the letter back to her. "I'd say that's some pretty concrete proof Ms.Fey." Mia flushed a bright pink, it had been a while since she saw him, the last time she did was when he was in a coma.

"So I'm right then?" She asked him, Godot took a long hard sip of his drink before he answered her. "Sure are kitten, it's been awhile since we saw each other." Mia raised an eyebrow. "You know what I mean." Godot said, Mia laughed. At that moment the duo on stage stopped playing. The song had finished and Klavier was ready to perform an old set list from the Gavinners.

He began playing an older song and Apollo did his best to keep up, they got the audience really fired up. When the song finally ended there were multiple cheers and applause , there were even a couple of whistles in there. Maya was going crazy, she absolutely loved the Gavinners. "That was incredible! Don't you think so Franzy?" She asked. Franziska nodded, keeping unusually quiet.

"What's wrong?" Maya asked, puzzled. Franziska sighed, Maya waited patiently for her friend to answer. "I'm still worried about those letters and what that bear will do with them." Maya gave her a kind smile. "Franzy, we shouldn't worry about those, you know that no one in our group has each other's motives. Remember? We promised, so you should stop worrying." Franziska shook her head instead of looking more relaxed.

"Well that promise was broken by Phoenix Wright quite quickly then. I know he has my brother's motive letter." Maya choked on her drink. She started coughing . "You- You do?!?" Franziska nodded. "Of course it was totally obvious. He's terrible at hiding things." Franziska took a sip of her drink while Maya nodded. "I guess he is." Maya sighed. It was silent for a few seconds.

"You don't think your brother knows about it........Do you?" She asked cautiously. Franziska had to think about that one. "Hmm, my brother probably doesn't know just yet." Maya looked up from her drink. "You really think so?" Franziska nodded.

"That being said, my brother isn't that oblivious. His logic is top notch, he probably has figured out that something is wrong, given that he is being avoided. It's amazing really, you should watch him work a case." Maya looked nervously at Phoenix, who was trying his best to avoid Miles at all cost.

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