New kid at school

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A/N: this is fluffy, and I'm not evil so you won't get your heart broken 😩🙏

Kenma POV:

My life had been kind of hectic from the get go. I'm Japanese, but I was born in Canada and then moved to Sweden at the age of 3. I had pretty much grown up there till I was roughly 9 years old and then moved to Hong Kong until I was like 13, and now I was moving again. This was practically nightmare fuel since I'm absolutely awful at talking to people and making friends. I cant even speak Japanese that well since I've been in Sweden and Hong Kong all this time so all I can speak is Swedish and English, but now I have to go to a Japanese private school.

Japan wasn't really humid compared to Hong Kong, but I was NOT looking forward for school to start especially since I had just came here like yesterday and I was already starting school on my second day in Japan.
"Mammaa! I'm headed out now!" I call out waiting for a response,
"Okay! Be safe darling!" Was the last thing I heard as I left through the door. First day at a new school, my favorite (sarcasm very much intended).

~time skip~

"Okay class we have a new student today, his name is Kozume Kenma, he's moved here from Hong Kong and isn't very good at Japanese so, Akaashi, I'm expecting you to take care of him, alright?"

"Yes ma'am"

I looked in the direction of who had said that and my eyes widened as I saw, possibly the prettiest person I've ever seen. I quickly looked away as we made eye contact and kept my head down the remainder of the time I was being introduced.

When I had finally got to go sit down at my desk with the rest of the students, the kid named Akaashi came up to me and started speaking to me.

"Hey, I realize that you probably aren't too fond on speaking much, so if you have any questions or don't understand something that the teacher said, then you can ask me"

"Thanks", was all I said as I quickly zoned out as I was trying to convince myself that everyone wasn't looking at me and that I was just imagining it.

~time skip brought to you by Akaashi's eyes 🛐~

It was recess now, and it wouldn't be that big of a deal aside from the fact that some noisy ninth grader that Akaashi seemed to be friends with kept trying to talk to me.

"Bokuto-San please calm down, Kozume-San isn't comfortable with loud noises"

God was I thankful for Akaashi, I couldn't be bothered to talk to this annoying dimwit.

"Sorry Agaashiii" said the two-tone haired boy who I'd learnt to know was named Bokuto.

I continued eating my food as if nothing was going on around me when all of a sudden I heard someone yell,


I look up and see possibly the stupidest hairstyle ever.


Kuroo? huh, nice name I guess.

"Uh, whose this?" Said the boy named Kuroo.

"This is Kozume-San" said Akaashi from next to me.

"Does this Kozume have a first name?" Asked the bed-head boy,

"Kenma" was all I said as I kept trying to beat this one level in my Super Mario bros game.

Kuroo POV:

As my class got dismissed for recess I went out to the track to try and find Bokuto so that we could eat together with Akaashi. I liked Akaashi, he's nice, smart, and pretty. Even though he's pretty, I wouldn't have a crush on him even if Bokuto didn't and also didn't constantly ask for reassurance to make sure I wouldn't "steal his 'Agaashi'" since he isn't really my type. I like long hair, and frankly, Akaashi doesn't have long hair.

I yelled while running up to him from behind,


As he turned around I saw someone who I've never seen before, his shoulder length hair, and beautiful honey brown eyes with long eyelashes, and his frame which was smaller than both Bokuto and Akaashi, meaning smaller than me too.

I quickly snapped out of my daze as I came up closer to the three of them,

"Uh, whose this?" I asked trying to stay calm and not burst into a blush.

"This is Kozume-San" said Akaashi as I was busy staring at the new boy. Knowing Akaashi, that was the new boy's last name, and for someone so pretty having that nice of a last name, their first name must be so pretty as well.

"Does this Kozume have a first name?" I asked slyly still examining his features.


Holy shit. I told myself I wouldn't crush on someone I just met, but I think I just met an exception.


"Bokuto, I think I have a crush"

"BETTER NOT BE ON MY AGAASHI" yelled the owl-obsessed boy from across the desk.

"Urusai, and it's not. It's the new kid. Kenma, he's just so pretty" I said staring off into space completely oblivious to the smirk Bokuto wore.

Kenma POV:

"Akaashi-San, please call me Kenma, I don't care enough for honorifics, and I'm not very used to it since I've been abroad my entire life" I said in my usual voice and tone, whilst my eyes stayed glued to my Nintendo ds I had brought with me to school.

"Sorry Kozume-San, it'll be a hard habit to break, I don't even call Bokuto-San by his first name, and he's my best friend."
Replied the taller boy.

I looked up from my game just to see the same bed-head boy from earlier running towards Akaashi and I from the other end of the hallway.

"What was his name again?" I asked Akaashi in a whisper my eyes lingering on the tall ninth grader bounding towards us.

"Kuroo Tetsuro" responded Akaashi seeming to not be surprised at the outburst that Kuroo had just made.

Maybe he's not as bad as I think, I'll give him a chance, he seems interesting.

1014 words

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