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Kenma POV

Once Bokuto had finally stopped clinging to Akaashi, we all went to the bus station to get on the bus to Shibuya. I had ended up sitting next to Kuroo whilst Akaashi was sitting next to Bokuto in the seats infront of us. I looked up slightly from my ds to see that Kuroo had been watching me play my game, his eyes fixated on my screen before shifting to look me in the eyes. I could feel my face flush from him catching me looking at him. Before looking away I could see a slight blush tinting his cheeks as a soft smile settled onto his lips. I looked over at Akaashi and Bokuto, they seemed to be really close, they were leaning against each other and Akaashi was telling Bokuto about his day and other random things, and Bokuto just listened intensively as if it was the most important thing in the world. I had noticed how Bokuto and Akaashi looked at eachother, it was painstakingly obvious that they both liked eachother.

As the bus came to a stop at Shibuya, we all got off the bus and since I had never been here before, I just followed the others. There were a lot of people here which was kind of nerve wracking, Kuroo must have noticed since he took my hand and pulled me along. He had a gentle grasp so I could easily have pulled away at any moment if I wanted to, but his touch was weirdly comforting, so I let him pull me along.

"Ne Kenma, have you ever been here before?" Kuroo's eyes looming over my expression as he was waiting for an answer, "Um, no.", the bed head's eyes practically sparkling at the answer. "REALLY? I'll have to show you everything then!"

~walking to chatime~

Akaashi POV

I could see that Kenma and Kuroo were caught up in their own conversation which was good for Bokuto and I's mission to get the two of them together. I take Bokuto by his arm and pull him closer to me so that the other two can't hear us from where they're walking behind us.
"Kou, do you wanna go to bershka after this and then ditch them to go 'try on clothes' so that they spend more time together? We can go make out in the changing rooms or something if you'd like" I asked in a hushed tone. The look on his face had basically answered my question on its own, but he gave the verbal reassurance as well in the often said phrase "you're a genius Akaashi" with his signature smile resting on his face.
I looked back at the other two again, Kuroo seemed to be doing most of the talking, but I've come to realize that Kenma is just one of those people who would rather listen to what you have to say, and only really add to it if he feels it's necessary. Even though, just from looking at his facial expression I can tell he might even like kuroo just a little bit.

"Alright guys what do you want? I'll stand in line and order for us." I offer as we finally reach the alleyway where chatime was located. Bokuto being the first to speak up saying what he usually does when I offer to order at restaurants, "Kaashi, you already know my order :)". Kuroo goes next saying he wants the seasonal special of a strawberry boba drink, and then there's only Kenma left.
"What would you like Kenma-San? If you don't like tea, then I can recommend the passion fruit juice, personally it's my go-to drink here" I say as I start to make my way up the line.

"Uhm, sure it's sounds good, can you tell them to have regular on the sweetener, double the boba, and less on the ice please?" He asks as if he's feeling guilty for making me order.
"Sure thing Kenma-San" I say with a reassuring smile hoping it'll ease his nerves.

~time skip because I'm lazy~

Bokuto POV

We'd finally made it to bershka. To be honest, I really don't think it's gonna be that hard to sneak away from Kenma and kuroo since they seem to be kind of distracted and in their own little world anyways. I grab Akaashi's hand and pull him farther into the store away from kuroo and Kenma and tell him to grab a few pieces of clothes so that we can go to the changing room. I'm making him keep his promise of making out in the changing rooms.

I walk over to kuroo as Akaashi goes towards the changing rooms, "yo, Kuroo, kaashi and I found some clothes we wanna try on so you guys look around or whatever" I say trying to act as nonchalant as possible hoping he won't be able to tell that I'm unusually excited.

"Alright" he says shrugging me off and going back to talking to Kenma about some video game.

As I make my way over to the changing rooms, I see that Akaashi had purposely left his foot sticking out a little under the curtain door thing so I'd know what fitting room he was in.

"Keiji I'm coming in, Kay?" I warn before opening the curtain to see him sitting on the stool looking up at me with a small smirk. God damn he's gonna be the end of me one day. He slowly stands up and wraps his hands around my neck after I have pulled the curtain closed to make sure that no one would be able to see us.

He softly connects our lips in a kiss and I wrap my arms around his waist pulling him closer to me. He lets out soft moans here and there, but only loud enough for me to hear them.

~back with kuroken~

Kenma POV

"Ok, this is an insanely important question and there's only one right answer, do you like children?"

"No." I respond flat out

"Oh thank god. I swear those things come from hell."

Kuroo and I had gone down to the second floor and were sitting in a seating area waiting for Bokuto and Akaashi to come back. Kuroo had texted them letting them know where we were so they should be able to find us when they get back.

"Alright, my turn to ask a question. Do you think somethings going on between Bokuto and Akaashi?" I ask, genuinely curious because I couldn't help but notice how Akaashi always has a almost loving look in his eyes when looking or talking to Bokuto but not when talking to kuroo, and they're just as annoying in my opinion. So therefore, the only logical explanation is that they're dating.

"Yeah, totally. I bet you ¥1000 they're making out in the fitting rooms right now." He says with a shrug completely unbothered.

"Hah nice, I'm not gonna take you up on that bet since I think you're right." I reply before kuroo asks me yet another question.

1180 words

A/N: please leave feedback bc I really only made this book to improve on my writing since I get absolutely shit grades in English.
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Have a nice day

Have a nice day

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