Mission kuroken

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Kuroo POV:

As I was on my way through the hallways to get to my locker I spotted Kenma and Akaashi walking talking amongst themselves.

"HEY! AKKASHI! KENMA!" I called out, hoping that Akaashi wouldn't ignore me like he usually would.

As I got closer to them I asked them if they wanted to go with me and Bo to go get Tapioca (boba) at Chatime after school. To my delight, they both agreed even though it seemed like Kenma wasn't all that interested.

Only 2 hours until the end of the day, I got this.

Bokuto POV:


I looked behind me to see kuroo who looked almost frantic as he was running towards me.


"Come with me to Chatime after school? Kenma and Akaashi's com-"


"That's harsh of you bokkun, only agreeing when you hear Akaashi's name" said Kuroo with a slight pout.

I just grinned at him saying a small sorry as I headed off to my next class. I texted Akaashi to meet me in the second floor bathroom at 1:30 like usual. Thing is Akaashi and I have been dating in secret for a while now, except no one knows, not even Kuroo, he just thinks I have a massive unrequited crush on the raven.

~time skip brought by Bokuto's dump truck~

"先生?トイレに行ってもういいですか?" ("teacher, can I go to the bathroom?")

"どうぞう" ("ok")

A/N: trilingual flex 💪 uh yessir 😩

As I got up and left my classroom, heading for the bathroom, I couldn't help but get excited. I had decided that Akaashi and I should try to get Kuroo and Kenma together since Kuroo obviously has a MASSIVE crush on the antisocial boy, despite him being new, and I don't think Kenma's gonna be so against him when they get to know each other better. See, Kuroo might be a pain in the ass but he's a great guy and genuinely caring once you get to know him well.
When I got to the bathroom I waited for Akaashi after texting him that he could leave, playing games on my phone and admiring my background of Akaashi standing infront of the sunset at the beach. I know it's considered simping, but it's okay because I'm simping for Akashi Keiji, AND he's my boyfriend so I'm allowed to.

"What is it Bokuto-San?" I heard Akaashi say as he opened the door to the bathroom and walked over to me, linking his arms around my waist as I hugged him back lazily placing a kiss on his forehead.

"I have come up with the most genius idea ever. I call it mission kuroken. Basically, I think we should try to get Kenma and kuroo together, AND before you say anything to object against my absolutely incredible idea, I only even thought of it because kuroo already has a crush on him and you know all about his promise to himself to not fall for people he just met." Akaashi just looked at me with a small smile resting on his face before placing a soft kiss on my lips, before pulling away and nodding.

Akaashi POV

"Sure Kou, I don't see any problems with it, plus I'm pretty sure Kenma might have a thing for that bed head too" I cup his face bringing him closer and kissing his lips gently, he eagerly returns the kiss this time pulling me in closer by my waist. I slowly pull away with him chasing my lips, but I place my hand against his mouth before he can have the chance to kiss me again. "Kou, we would get back to class before the teachers start to suspect things. I'll give you lots of kisses when we get back to yours later, alright?"

"Alright Keiji, DEMO (but) you have to stay over tonight okay?" Bokuto states as if I have any say in the matter anyways. "Of course I'll stay over Bo, now let go or else we'll get in trouble" he slowly untangles his arms from behind my back and pulls me out of the bathroom before rushing back to his classroom with a grin on his face.

Once I'm back in my classroom, I start thinking of ways that we can get Kuroo and Kenma to become better friends, because that's obviously step one to this whole plan anyways. Kou and I could always ditch them and leave them alone at chatime so that they'll actually talk to each other and hopefully find something to bond over, or I can try to find out if they share any common interests. I noticed how Kenma was playing super Mario earlier, which is a game that Kuroo likes as well. Maybe I'll start by telling Bokuto that kuroo should talk to Kenma about his favorite video games and see if they have any in common.

~time skip brought to you by Super Mario~

Kenma POV

It's still my first day at this new school anD SOMEHOW I GOT DRAGGED INTO GOING TO HANG OUT WITH BOTH OF THE BLOCKHEADS FROM THE GRADE ABOVE AND I DONT KNOW HOW THIS HAPPENED. At least I have Akaashi with me, though he seems to be used to the duos antics, which is something I can't relate to at the moment. I don't even know what 'chatime' is. From context I've established that it's a Boba place, but I don't even like tea so I don't see why I should come. Maybe it'll be a good opportunity to learn more about kuroo. I'm not going to deny that he's a good looking guy, even though his hair looks dumb, it somehow suits him really well.

As Akaashi and I were walking out of school to meet Kuroo and Bokuto by the gates he asks me about life before, like in Hong Kong and Sweden, since I can't really remember much from Canada.

"So Kozume-San, how was the other places you've lived compared to Japan, I've only ever lived here so I don't know much about foreign places like Scandinavia."

"Uhm, I guess Sweden is pretty cold compared to Japan all year round, school was kind of shit though and I didn't have many friends since I didn't really make an effort to have any in the first place. And Hong Kong is like the opposite, super humid all year round except the weather was always either really sunny or kinda shit. I lived across from the beach which sounds nice except for the fact that the water was disgusting because of trash and the ferries constantly coming and going." I found that it was really easy to talk to Akaashi, he's good at listening.

"That's really cool Kozume-San, if you ever have questions about things in Japan feel free to ask me anytime, I mean, you can also ask kuroo and Bokuto-San of course."

As we arrive at the gate I can see Kuroo and Bokuto talking amongst themselves before Bokuto sees Akaashi and practically tackles him into a big bear hug. I walk up to kuroo and stand next to him fishing my ds out of my bag.

"What games have you got with you?" He asks curiously looming over my shoulder to get a better look at the screen. Usually this kind of close interaction makes me uncomfortable, but there's something about kuroo that's really calming.

"I only brought Super Mario bros with me today, I didn't want to lose anything" I respond in my usual nonchalant tone. I've found that a lot of people think I'm either constantly mad or depressed. Mainly because I have an rbf, which stands for resting bitch face, or because of my monotone voice.

All he says is "Cool" before going back to watching me play as we wait for Bokuto to finish strangling Akaashi through a a hug, and actually get going to what I assume is shibuya.

1330 words

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