Side Story - Pancake's Request

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1 week earlier - "PancakeThePancat's" POV

I'm bored...

What do I do now?

I haven't had contact with my friends in a while, so I can't visit them, or it'd be awkward.

The people in the game servers at this time are really salty, so that's a no as well...

I also don't feel like singing right now.

How about I just surf through YouTube? Seems like a reasonable pastime.

I pulled out my phone, which I have been using for the past year, and went to the YouTube app. Being bored, I just randomly click on the first video that pops up in my feed and go from there.

1 hour later

I know I'm bored, but how the hell did I go from viewing '100 Best Moments of APEX Legends' to watching 'A New Streamer Fails at osu!' I'm sure that I wouldn't have clicked on something that wasn't in my interest...

Wait hold on, what's the streamer's name?

Akari? Isn't that the name of my friend? Umm... it might be a coincidence, but I'll stay and check it out anyway.

After the video

Yep. That's Akari. I guess she finally decided to go for her dream, huh? 

Her skill in the game was actually pretty decent despite the title. She said it was her first time, and I guess that explains why she sucked so much in the beginning, but after a bit of time has passed, she was already onto the 3 star maps.

Her skill progression seems a little unreasonable, but if it's her, then maybe...

Random info dump warning! This has important info, so please read.

Okay, so around 4th/5th grade, I, and a couple of other people around the school, had gotten a 'mystical talent.' For some reason, whatever we were doing at the time we got the 'talent,' that activity got enhanced. For me, I was silently singing in Japanese, and so as a result, I was able to manipulate the octaves my voice could be heard at. 

An example would be my singer persona on the internet, 'Mafumafu.' I sing in a higher octave than what would be normal for a regular guy to sing at. This results in my voice coming out feminine, and people believed I was a girl right up until I did a gender reveal. 

Going back to the talents, I remember Ace had been working on a coding project of hers, and when she received the 'talent,' her technological prowess soared. In fact, it was almost like she could command machines to do her bidding...

I don't have any recent examples of this, but back in our junior year, we had a strange series of technological mishaps. The thing was, Ace had recently gotten hard rejected, and even humiliated for confessing to her crush. Her emotions must have been in turmoil, and that might have caused all of the tech to go haywire.

There was one talent though... One that I don't really have a good grasp on. That's Akari's. The day we got our 'talents,' Akari was absent. She wasn't there under the excuse that she was sick.

The next day, when she came back, it didn't seem like she had a noticeable power that affected the way she lived. It seemed as though she was perfectly normal, or at least, normal to our standards. Even before this 'talent' event happened, she already had some strange abilities, such as being very very quiet when she's walking and she had an IQ level of 183. 

Info dump over... would this count as an info dump? idk

Why was she was still in school and not working at a highly advanced science tech job? She was lazy. Abhorrently so. Although it seemed to get a bit better when we entered our high school years, she still retained some of that laziness. But, I digress.

No one but her has an actual idea of what her 'talent' is. And it'll stay that way unless she let's people study her, which is a big no.

Anyway, her progress in the game might be due to her 'talent' is all I'm saying...

Let's check her profile and see if she's posted anything else after that.

Oh, wow. 3 weeks worth of streams already. I wonder how far she's come?

With that thought, I clicked on one of her stream highlights videos and watched her play.

2 hours later

Hah, she really has improved a lot over the past month! It's... very impressive.

Oh? She streaming right now? I'll go check that out.

Hmm, she's been streaming for an hour already... It looks like she's doing osu!mania?

"Yappari nuko ni narenkatta"

Well shit, she's playing one of my songs...

Maybe I should say hi?

As I was contemplating whether or not to say hi, she had already finished the song and was going to start reading chat for a bit before heading to the next song.

You know what? Screw it all. I'm going to say hi, even if it feels really, really awkward.


PancakeThePancat - Hello Akari! It's nice to see that you're doing well in achieving your dream! I appreciate that you played my song and visibly enjoyed it! I had a lot of fun writing that song, and your art just happened to make it so much better.


I watched as Akari started reading off the chat's messages and occasionally responding to them. 

Then she got to my message.

"Hello Akari! It's nice to see that you're doing well in achieving your dream! I appreciate that you played my song and visibly enjoyed it! I had a lot of fun writing that song, and your art just happened to make it so much better," she started off by reading the comment. "Aw, thank you for the support of my dream! Wait- hold on... Your song? Are you perhaps... Mafumafu? But wait... that would mean... A-anyways, it's no problem. I enjoyed playing your song, and I really enjoyed making the art for your MV!"


PancakeThePancat - Yes, I am Mafumafu, and if anyone in this chat tells someone else that I am Mafumafu, I will have your account banned. Anyway, I look forward to seeing you progress as a Vtuber. 

PancakeThePancat - btw, I'm making another song, and I was wondering if you would like to meet up so that we could work on it together?


Akari read through some more of the chat before seeing my new messages.

"Thank you for the support, Pancake! And umm... let's see... I plan on having a break from streaming in 2 weeks, so maybe we can meet up then?"


PancakeThePancat - It's a date then! I'll see you in 2 weeks then.


Seeing the message, Akari's avatar blushed and stuttered out a "Y-yeah... sure..." before slowly returning to normal. "See you in two weeks."

Hearing this, I smiled in content before sitting back in my chair, letting my back rest against the seat. I didn't realize, as I was so focused on Akari's videos and stream, but I had scooted forwards to the point where I almost fell of my chair.

Two weeks, huh? I smirked a little to myself. I can't wait to see you again, Akari.

A/n: Hope you enjoyed that. I had told my friend that I based AJ's character on that I had put him into my story. I told him I was planning on making his presence bigger in the story, and that I wanted him to come up with an idea for me to fit him in. 

His idea was another collab between his character and mine, and I got to decide how that would happen, so here's the chapter for today. 

Once again, I hope you all enjoyed, and I'll see you in the next chapter(hopefully)!

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