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chapter eight.

chapter eight

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real life;

     "leila, honey?" mama harper called out, half occupied by the cooking meat on the stove

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     "leila, honey?" mama harper called out, half occupied by the cooking meat on the stove.

     leila looked up from her phone, where she was updating her friends on her whereabouts. "yeah, mom?" she responded, standing to accompany her mother in the kitchen.

     harry and leila, by their families request, had gone to visit their family during easter week. over the last few weeks, leila has streamed more often than normal, sometimes with weston or kalynn as well. she was ready for a vacation.

    mama harper looked up minutely as she hovered over whatever meat was cooking, smiling at her daughter. "could you go to the store and get some eggs and milk, please? i forgot to get some this morning," the woman explained, though leila knew it was more of an order than a tiny favour.

    nodding, leila grabbed her phone out from where she had previously tucked it in her back pocket. she quickly texted harrison, who was only a floor down, most likely lying in his childhood bed.

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