Chapter 3

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Do you ever feel as though there are moments in your life where it just freezes? There is no blur of color or lights flashing by? I think this was exactly one of those moments.  

Everything just was just frozen. I didn't move, i didn't breathe. 

I looked at the boy.  

He looked at me.  

"What did you call me?" I whispered.  

He showed me his wrist. They were covered in markings like mine. Except. They looked like trees and leaves creeping up his arm in delicate strokes.  

"I called you princess, princess" 

He smiled at me.  

I glared. I tried to ignore how sexy he looked when he smiled.  

Who was this nutcase? And when did he escape the nutcase ward at the hospital?

"I'm not a princess. My name is Tatiana Greystone. Not princess Tatiana Greystone. Just Tatiana Greystone and stop trying to infer anything different!" I literally screamed in his face and as some would call it. I got up in his grill. "Well Just Tatiana Greystone could you please just let me explain?" Let him explain? Explain what? His escape route out if the crack house?  

"Let you explain!? No. Leave me alone. And don't ever talk to me again." I was on the verge of tears. I couldn't show weakness not now anyway. Not in front of these people. And him.  

I clenched my fists. Why was no one doing anything, why were they ignoring me? And this whole conversation. They were talking like nothing was happening. Nothing at all.  

I ran.  

Why do i always run?  

Why can't i face my fears?  

Why am i so stupid?  

I ran until i got home. I tore off my jewelry and threw it on the ground. I tore up the stairs and into my room. I scrubbed of my makeup and got my hair out of it's high ballerina bun i changed into trackies and a singlet top and threw myself on my bed.

I sat in silence, listening to the slow ticking of the clock that hung on my wall. Tic. Tic. Tic.

I soon fell into a gentle sleep.  

I dreamt that i was walking through the Forrest in a beautiful purple gown that laced up at the front. It went down the ground and.swept back into a small train. Around my arm was a silver band that had purple stones in it. I wore a matching crown that was braided into certain parts of my hair, while other parts fell to my waist in it gentle waves. I was meeting someone. I knew who it was before i saw him. It was the boy from lunch.

"Princess" he smiled at me. Inside i felt all fluttery and happy. Emotions that i hadn't felt in a long time. "Flynn" i murmured as i walk towards him he grabbed my hands and held them.

He wore simple trousers and green shirt, his brown hair cropped short. I must say it was different from his white shirt/leather jacket combo that i saw on him earlier, i liked this one more. It was a lot more him. "Tatiana, it's not safe for us anymore. With everything that's happening and all" i frowned and waved my hand, shimmering mist fell between us, showing pictures of the two of us together and happy.

"See Flynn, everything will turn out fine, it always does" i laughed but he didn't look convinced. "Princess we cannot kid over this, his army is moving closer to our lands as we speak and being leader of your fathers army, i must have all my attention there, not over some silly girl" his actually looked genuinely sorry and upset. "You swine" I couldn't meet his eyes " But if that's how you feel then i will leave. Goodbye Flynn. I'm sure i will see you around." I dropped his hands and sauntered away.  

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