M.A.W. F. T

310 28 0

~Make A Wish For Two


The talk we had opened my eyes into Haruto's perspective. I finally understood what Junkyu and Ten meant by me making him have happiness and hope.

He felt as if he was just another person to be judged by a cold hearted world. All he wanted was for me to be happy but how can I do that without him.

I had decided to get a drink from the vending machine in the hall. It only accepted notes and I only had coins in my short pockets. I sighed and tried backing up to the elevator.

A voice pulled me back and I my blood rose in my body. "Do you need a drink?" Keita's voice boomed in the almost empty corridor.

"Lost my interest now," I walked towards the elevator but his shoes gave away that he was following me.

We entered the confined elevator and it slowly went to the 5th floor. The only thing breaking the silence was the terrible elevator music. "Why are your eyes puffy? Did you cry before I found you?" his voice asked.

"None of your business." I bluntly answered him waiting for the elevator to stop. "Look I'm sorry about what I did but my emotions got-"

"got the best of you. I've been there, done that. I'm happy now without you so kindly leave me alone." I said the last words with spite in my heart. I couldn't easily forgive him.

I made it to my room and leaned onto the wall letting out a sigh. Ten saw me and tried to help he catch my breath. He was rubbing my back in circles and telling me to count to 20.

He was holding a banner in his left hand but was written in Japanese. I regained my breath and asked him what it was for.

"It's April 5th,Haruto's birthday," my eyes widened. He didn't tell me it was his birthday when I went to his office. But then again we sucking each other's faces then crying about it.

"We planned for him to celebrate it here instead of him and his brother alone. It'll be fun with you me him Yoshi Mashiho Johnny Yuta and some of the nurses and Junkyu."

I nod subconsciously and walk to my bed. "Why is your shirt wrinkled up with a wet stain? Did you do it in the office? That was fast." "NO we didn't. We just made out and sort of cried over our relationship. We're official now," I said smiling.

He screamed as Junkyu and Mashiho entered the room with a cake. The box almost fell down once they heard the scream. Mashiho greeted me with a smile as he placed a gift wrapped box on my bed.

" Morning Jeongwoo. How is Haruto this morning?" he asked plopping on top of my bed. "He's fine probably just stressed out about work." Junkyu was tiredly opening a box of cookies. "COOKIESSS!!"

I ran beside him and stole one. They were MnM chocolate. My FAVOURITE. I knew my eyes had turned color once I took one. Junkyu's eyes widened as he looked at me.

"Why r his eyes pink?" Mashiho rolled his eyes and handed him my color chart. I bit into the cookie and stomped my feet cutely. His eyes read the chart and soon he was pinching my cheeks. "aww my cute baby," he cooed at me as I finished the cookie.

I went to grab another but he stopped me. "These are for Haruto, you need to leave them for him." I whined at him and folded my arms.

"haru is my boyfriend. He wouldn't mind." I said picking 3 and going to help Ten. "HE'S YOUR WHO?!?!" They shouted and looked at me.

"b-o-y-f-r-i-e-n-d boyfriend, 남자 친구" I said avoiding their eyes. "do you mind calling Johnny and Yuta. Yoshi is already on his way here." ten asked them as he hang the banner above the window.

Mashiho went out of the door probably to call them. Junkyu was still dazed by my eyes. A little while later Drs. Johnny and Yuta entered, the tall man heading towards Ten who was blowing balloons.

Yuta seemed just as dazed as Junkyu when he saw me. He introduced himself to me and immediately began to giggle and let his hair. "Dr. Yuyu have lion hair."

He laughed after having a look of shock. He looked to Ten for an explanation. "He gives nicknames depending on how he sees you in Rainbow. I'm Five sine I'm half of Johnny's height,Johnny is Twenty since his twice the height, Mashiho is Hamtori, Junkyu is Koala, you are now Yuyu or Lion and Haruto is Llama."

His jaw dropped after Ten had finished. A knock made us stop laughing at him. I opened the door and saw a familiar face but couldn't place my finger on it. His face made me shiver in fear.

I ran to my bed and sat down beside it as I felt my emotions change. Ten came beside me and whispered 'yellow means fear'. "Yoshi do you know Jeongwoo?"

So his name is Yoshi? But isn't that Haruto's brother's name?!
NO! It can't be.

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