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▀▄▀▄I'm sorry▄▀▄▀


"You didn't have to give me such prominent marks? Now Jihoon will ask where I got these from!" Jeongwoo kept slapping the elder's shoulders. They had already agreed that Serim would drop his mother at the hospital with Jeongwoo's things just in case he wanted more 'alone time' with the doctor.

"Have you seen the ones Suk hyung has whenever they do it. You could play connect the dots with them. I went easy on you, this time." Haruto whispered the last words to himself, holding the latter's hand as Jeongwoo tsked facing the window.

"Don't you have to go back to work? You'll get fired at this point." He said distracting himself from their entwined hands. "They won't, they love me at the hospital. Plus Dr.Yang told me I could have the afternoon off since your mother convinced him!"

"You mean bribed him, with brownies." He shook his head looking at the focused driver."You say snack and I say me," it took a while for Jeongwoo to understand but when he did, he gave out the most deadpan look.

"If I ever leave you, you have your answer as to why." Haruto lifted their hands and kissed the back of Jeongwoo's hand. "You could never leave me, you love me too much."

"I do!" He pecked the doctor's cheek as he drove to his condo.

𝕿𝖎𝖒𝖊 𝕾𝖐𝖎𝖕

The two arrived at the lavish condo at around 3pm. Most of the neighborhood children were coming home from school and some of them were teenagers going out with friends.


You never told me you live in such a posh place like this, shouldn't be this clean." Jeongwoo walked around complaining about how clean it was." Don't you want a responsible husband. One who can clean,cook,care for you and drive you crazy at the same time. Isn't that what you want?"

He snuck behind the former and peppered him with kisses. He led him to the kitchen and sat him on the counter. What do you want to eat,baby? Jeongwoo thought for a while and answered. He pulled the doctor closer and ehispered in his ear, I want to eat a piece of Watanabe as soon as possible the latter seemed to catch on quickly and asked, For here or to go? He licked his lips coming closer The Master Bedroom will do just fine. The doctor led him up the steps and rushed to lock the door. Jeongwoo pushed him on to the bed and jumped on top of him.

Dinner is served

Time skip cuz y'all know what went down😶😶

The duo laid on the bed as the sun seemed to be setting. Jeongwoo's head was rested on the doctor's chest listening to his heartbeat. The latter played with his baby's hair and ears. They wanted to speak up but no words came out of both of them. A knock scared both of them. The door swung open and Yoshi stood by the door struggling to wear a hoodie.

Im heading out so no need to cook a lot of- he stood there frozen at the door as he stared at the two. He blinked and backed out slowly. Use protection.Dont make to much noise. You'll bother the neighborhood.

Get out! Haruto shouted at the elder brother. He heard the engine reviving then shutting down but focused of the boy beside him. Are you okay? Did I go to hard on you?

He snuggled in to the blankets and stared at the doctor. You were just right. Maybe a bit too vanilla for my taste but still good  the doctor chuckled and carressed his boyfriend's cheek. I can be the vanilla and you the chocolate

Jeongwoo smiled at the dumb joke and was later sitting up to face the taller Am I just as sweet  he was pulled down to face the doctor Even sweeter than you think They kissed for a while but Jeongwoo's growling stomach stopped them. Come on you baby. Let's get you some food.

In Other News.....

Yoshi had headed out to meet an old friend who had come back from the states. His car had refused to start and his frustration got the better of him. He threw his keys away and heard a yelp after. He looked up and saw one of the neighbors, Junghwan. He saw the boy holding his wrist and some blood was on the ground.

Ash shit! I'm so sorry. Does it hurt that much. I'll clean it for you! He ran to the house but was stopped. It's no problem! I'll a few houses down. He walked away and Yoshi followed I'll walk you to your house.

The two walked side by side to the So house. So Junghwan. The boy shyly said as he avoided the tall man's eyes. Kanemoto Yoshinori they walked with an awkward silence between them. When they reached the house, their shoes were left at the door. Junghwan brought the first aid kit and tried to clean it with his left hand. Yoshi stepped up and cleaned it for him. He poured the alcohol on the swab and wiped over it. The younger squeezed his arm and whined at the pain.

Once the bandage was tied, he stared at the man in awe. He took his time and made sure that he didn't feel any pain. Well since I'm done I'll get going now he was done cleaning his keys and was standing by the kitchen door.

Wait I sort of need you....your help that is. My wrist hurts and I can't cook dinner. Do mind helping me. He fiddled with his fingers as he asked. Sure..i can cook something for you. Where's the apron? He pointed to the pantry where the aprons were hung on the door.


Why do you live alone? I noticed they aren't that many coats hung by the door and only your shoes and photos.  Junghwan stopped eating and looked at the tall Japanese.  Well my parents bought me the house and I never have anyone over. I live alone and my friends come over sometimes.  He stared at the boy and said the unbelievable. Can I live with you then?

I was busy. I'm sorry (◞‸◟ㆀ) plus my birthday is on 30th so I've been busy with that.

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