The Rebel and The Mute

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I do not own K/DA, Lol, or anything referenced.

-Grey pov-

I sit on the couch with Seraphine as she watches a movie. It wasn't really interesting to me, but she asked me to watch it. Suddenly a knock happens on the door. Before I could get up Akali was already at the door. "Why are you here?" She asks as Sona just walks in. "Where is your room?" She asks me. "Uh...second one on the left." I say confused. She points and movers walk in and start grabbing my stuff. "What are you doing?!" Akali growls angrily and glares at Sona. "Grabbing Grey's stuff. Don't worry you girls are coming too." Sona says. "Where are we going?" I ask calmly and she smiles at me. "You all are moving in with me." She says and i nod.

-timeskip Sona pov-

"Put Grey's stuff in my room." I tell the movers. Grey wanders off to explore my personal Mansion. "What's your plan Sona?" Akali asks and I smile. "Get in my Best Friends pants, marry him, have his kids, grow old, and die. That's my plan Akali. I know i may have been a bitch to you girls in the past. But that was all for show i promise, all that matters is keeping Grey from killing himself." I tell her and She nods. "We'll all take turns taking care of him." I say. "Alright." She says. "I'll go first." We both say and we glare at each other. "I'm his best friend." I say and glare at her.

"Bitch. You've been a pain in our side for two years now! You think he'll choose you over me?!" Akali asks angrily. "Yes i do actually." I tell her with a smirk. "Would you two cut it out?! Grey and Ahri have been through hell! The last thing they need is for anyone to start fighting! He's a Vastayan! Not some pet or thing!" Kai'sa yells angrily which shocks us both considering she is so quiet. I look at Sona. "Sorry Sona." Akali says and i smile. "I'm sorry too. Why don't we share him today? Since you and i are the ones who are fighting." I offer and she nods. "Yeah. I'd like that." She says to me.

I lead them around the mansion showing them the rooms. "Hello?!" Grey yells in fear as he runs out of a room. "Are you okay?" Akali asks and moves quickly to him. "I got lost. Why is this place so big Sona? It's way bigger than your other house." Grey asks her. "Mother and Fathernwant me to have a big family." She says and Grey blushes heavily. "I like that idea." Evelyn says and Grey hides behind Akali.

Before we continued now with Grey in the group. Evelyn's phone ringes and she immediately answers. "Yes?" She asks. "I'm on my way now." She says and hangs up. "Gotta go ladies. Something important came up." Evelyn says and Grey looks at her with a sad look. "Where are you going?" He asks her and she smiles at him. "It's a surprise my Little Fox. But I'm sure you'll love it." Evelyn says and kisses him passionately. She moves him against the wall as she squeezes his ass. His muffled moans filled the hallway making the rest of us blush. When Evelyn is finally done, she pulls back leaving a blushing , and panting Grey. "Be a good boy for Mommy." She says and he nods adorably.

As Evelyn walks away i can't help but glare at her. I hate how she has so much control over Grey. No matter how much any of us could try, we can never catch up to Evelyn. Grey watches her leave before looking at us, he blushes brightly, and hides behind his tails. We continue with the tour and finally get to the rooms. "So i took the liberty of having Grey's stuff put in my room. So you girls need to come in and take some of his stuff to your rooms. That way he has something to do for your personal time with him." I tell them as we walk into my room.

The entire time we go through his stuff Grey blushes heavily. Anything that bitch had, bought, or stole was put in a separate pile. We all get the stuff we want and start to pack it up in our rooms. "So today you are with Akali and I. We couldn't decide who should be first." I tell him and he nods. I pull out an outfit for him and lay it on the bed. Akali leaves and comes back with an outfit. Grey tries to go to the bathroom to change but i stop him. "Gotta learn to change in front of us Baby." Akali purrs and he blushes brightly again. Grey starts to change but Akali and i strip naked, we begin to get dressed as seductively as we could. I take a glance at him to see him covering his face, he has the shirt on, but his pants are still off, and his cock is about to burst from his boxers. We quickly finished to stop teasing him.

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