Chapter 2

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Lara's P.O.V
Michael's bedroom was on the upper level of his house. The stairs were very squeaky which made me worry that I might fall backwards and crack open my head, I had a very big imagination. After we got up all of the stairs his bedroom wasn't that far away. As we entered his room it was filled of band posters of bands that I listen on a daily basis. As i sat on the edge of his bed he sat next to me. " So, what kind of music do you like?" Michael asked me. " Well theres Green day, All time low, Nirvana, mayday parade and Nickleback.
As I finished saying all my favourite bands were Michael had a look on his face that was very awkward, his jaw was dropped super low he looked very surprised.
"Are you serious?" Michael asked me.
"Yes I'm serious." I said
"Really I thought you were into Beethoven or some classical music like that." Michael said.
Nope... Why would you think i liked Beethoven? Lara asked.
"I thought because you are so smart." Michael replied.
"No are you kidding I feel that these bands make me feel so relaxed, and I can't believe you like them too! Lara exclaimed
Lara was quite surprised that Michael and her had so much in common, the more they talked the less shy Lara was to talking to Michael. They talked for a bit more and found much more information about each other than they would ever know until Ashton and Luke came up to find Lara. Luke informed Lara that they were going to leave... Lara was about to get up until Michael pulled her down to the bed she gave Michael a confused look.
"Um Lara has decided that she's gonna stay that night." Michael said very fast.
"Oh okay well text me Lara!" Luke said and left the room.
Lara was very confused on why Michael wanted her to stay the night.
"Look Lara, I really like talking to you about the things we have in common so much that i'm kinda falling in love with you." Michael confessed.
Lara didn't know what to say but blush and smile. They started to talk until everyone left and they found a spot to sleep. The party didn't cause a big mess so Lara and Michael decided to clean it up. They both ended up sleeping on 2 couches that were facing eachother. Lara didn't feel like getting changed because she didn't have anything to change into. They both fell asleep pretty quickly.
Around 12 am Lara felt something touch her lips, she forced her eyes open to see the face of Michael kissing her. Her reaction wasn't as bad has she thought it would be. She was officially having her first kiss. Lara couldn't think of anything to say so she just started to giggle and they both fell asleep on the couch that Lara was sleeping on. ( Yes they both fitted on the couch)
Hey! Sorry long time no see! Ill be updating this story every week.
( thats my goal.)
Anyways message me if you have suggestions and vote for me plz thanks :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2015 ⏰

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