Hello EveryOne
I welcome you to my inner thoughts
My Life and Soul.
I wish you an enjoyable stay
in my inner sanctum.
Well Hello, There. how are you? ME? I'm great. As you may have noticed this will be a series of poems I've wrote and I'll be writting to share with others beside myself and those around when I write them. I do hope you enjoy my poems. Oh and don't be weirded out when the way I type changes, I haven't really figured out on which way I work best with. Adieu et Aurevoir ^_^
Poetry of an Every day Girl
PoetryThis will hold all/most of the poetry I've written from how I felt to what I see. Not every peom will be direct and understandable, some may have a deeper or shallower meaning, SO don't overthink the poems. Please Enjoy. Kiki