Sixteen year old Dean Winchester and his close friend and fellow classmate, Jo Harvelle were busy handing out copies of the PTBP (Proud TO Be Pure) club's agenda for its afternoon meeting. The two Lawrence Senior High juniors established the club which advocated teen abstinence and also served as a bible study group. Dean's father was the town's pastor and as his eldest son he was a good little soldier, who followed his father's example. John Winchester ran a strict household and expected his three sons to be good models for the other children of his parish. Sam, the middle child tended to involve himself in verbal arguments with his sire because he questioned their faith every so often. Adam was too young at the age of six. The boy tended to do things most kids his age did.
John's first wife, Mary passed away nine years ago as a result of a brain tumor. After his beloved wife's tragic passing, John Winchester emerged himself deeper into his religion. He met Kate Milligan a year after Mary's death. She was a parishioner from the Lonely Shepherd, who also lost her spouse. In her case her late husband died after suffering a heart attack. The pastor and his congregant bonded over their mutual losses and soon married. A little over a year later, Karen discovered she was with child. Alas, her joy was short lived. Karen died a few hours after giving birth to Adam. She'd been suffering from a bad case of preeclampsia. On that day, John Winchester vowed never to become romantically involved with anyone else for the remainder of his life. Nursing two broken hearts was more than he could handle.
One thing John never lost was his faith in God. He knew there was a reason the Lord took his two wives to Heaven. He planned on having a one on one conversation with the Almighty, once he made his way beyond the pearly heavenly gates. One of the main reasons Sam argued with his father was exactly over this. If God was so just then why did he allow good people like his mother and Karen to suffer and die young? John would always reply because they served their purpose on Earth and God wanted them at his side. Sam would roll his hazel eyes and go on his way.
Dean never fought with his father. He was obedient and did everything his father told him to do. It was John's idea for Dean to start a bible study group at school. The pastor took it upon himself to pay Principal Roman a visit. The man attended John's church and swiftly agreed for Dean to run the group; especially if it was to promote abstinence. In the last four years, pregnancies and STDs began to rise amongst the high school's population. So Dean convinced Jo, one of his best friends, whose mother, Ellen was the church's treasurer to help him run the club. They were lucky to get the auto mechanics instructor, Mr. Singer to be the faculty sponsor.
Every Thursday afternoon after school, PTBP club met for two hours. The eight members sat in a circle to read a bible passage and discuss it. Then they would share anecdotes about significant occurrences in their lives during the previous week. Becky Rosen, the bubbliest member of the bible study group jumped up and down after reading this week's agenda.
"We're getting our purity rings today?!"
"Frak!" Dean hit the back of his neck. "I left them in my locker."
"You better go get them before Becky's left eye starts twitching," Jo said.
Chuck Shurley, Kevin Tran, Garth Fitzgerald, Anna Milton and Sarah Blake entered the classroom together. Chuck approached Dean and Jo. He whispered to them, "Becky is at it again."
Dean rolled his hazel eyes which were amber at the moment. "Becky, what did we talk about in the last meeting?"
Becky turned beet red. "It was the last chapter I promise!" She looked at Chuck with a thunderous glare. "Tattle tale!" She stuck her tongue out at the squirrelly looking teen.