Part 4

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Dean wiped Alfie's nose as he scurried down his neighborhood street. The infant's bawling had lessened to intermittent sobs. The teenager unlocked the front door with a key. He lightly kicked it open. Sam and Adam were in the middle of their homework. The six year old was the first to see his oldest brother carrying a baby.

"Who's that?" Adam inquired. He walked over to Dean, who smoothed the back of Alfie's head.

"Is dad here?" Dean didn't wait for a response.

Sam threw a led pencil over his geography workbook. He got up on his feet. He jogged behind Dean, who was already in the kitchen.

John was removing baked meat lasagna from the stove. The sound of a baby infant sobbing drew his attention. He pulled oven mitts from his hands and tossed them on the counter. Dean bounced a child that appeared to be about two years old in his arms.

"What's going on here, son?"

"Dad, someone from school needs help. He's in a lot of trouble." Dean sat on a kitchen chair with Alfie in his lap.

"Start from the beginning, son" John listened attentively to every word emitted from his first born's mouth. The wheels in his head were already turning out different alternatives to the situation. He took Alfie in his arms. "The boy has a fever."

Dean stood up and fetched something from his jacket pocket. "I bought some baby Tylenol for Alfie after Cas was taken away."

"You did the right thing, Dean. I know exactly the two people, who will help Castiel and Alfie. Give the baby a teaspoon of Tylenol and put him down for a nap. I need to make a couple of calls."

Dean nodded. He fed Alfie the medicine which wasn't an easy thing to do. Ten minutes later, he vacated the kitchen and went upstairs. His younger brothers followed him. He repeated the same story to the two of them of how he ended caring for the infant. He laid him on the center of his full size bed.

"He's really cute," Adam said as Alfie grabbed his fingers to play with. At least he ceased crying.

John entered Dean's bedroom half an hour later. "Castiel will spend the night in jail but God is looking out for him. Judge Miller and I agreed on the perfect candidate to be a foster parent for him and Alfie. The person has agreed."

"Who is it, dad?" Dean asked. He wished fervently for the two orphans to end up with someone caring.

"You'll see. We should head over to their place. The place has baby stuff. We just need to help the foster parent assemble the crib and clear stuff from the attic."

Dean carried Alfie down the stairs. "Hear that, and Castiel are safe now." He kissed the infant's pudgy cheek.

Rattling of the bars in the holding cell woke Castiel up for a restless slumber. "Rise and shine, sweet cheeks!" A beefy guard yelled from outside the cell. "You've got a visitor."

Cas sat up and stretched his arms. Since he was a minor he was held alone in the cell. The springs from the twin mattress dug into his back the entire time he laid down. His mouth tasted like a sweaty sock. He wiped grime from his eyes.

Castiel rose on his feet, when his eyes landed on Dean. The green eyed teen held the bars. Cas walked over to stand face to face with the Winchester. "Is Alfie alright?" Castiel was fidgety.

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