Part 25

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Dean fell asleep watching an episode of "Little People Big World" on TLC. The teenager woke up after hearing a loud crash coming from the outside hall. Dean rubbed his bleary eyes. He frowned upon noticing it was pitch black outside. "Cas!" He yelled. Dean leapt from the bed and ran to the bathroom. He swung the door open and turned on the lights, but there was no sign of his boyfriend.

Goose bumps rose up his arms and the tiny hairs on the nape of his neck prickled. Dean returned to the bathroom and slid off the fluffy hotel robe. He swiftly got dressed in the clothes he arrived in, earlier that afternoon. Dean strolled to the window. He called Cas. The other boy's cell rang only once and went straight to voicemail.

Dean stared at the full moon. He licked his chapped lips. "Cas baby please call me back. I'm worried." He turned his head to gaze at the digital clock, which stood on the nightstand. "You've been gone for five hours." Afterwards, he sent his boyfriend a text message.

The green eyed teen sat on the edge of the messy bed. His right leg twitched. Deep down Dean knew something happened to Castiel. He wouldn't have arranged a romantic getaway for the two of them, and then ditch him. A plethora of accidents assailed Dean's thoughts. He imagined Castiel being the victim of a hit and run accident. Then Dean thought the dark haired boy might've been mugged or assaulted.

Dean had enough. He placed his wallet inside one of his dark jeans back pockets. The teen grabbed the extra room card key and vacated the chamber. He headed straight to the nearest diner. That's where Cas was headed, when he left their room.

The Winchester basically interrogated the waitress, who luckily started her shift, when Cas showed up. "Yeah I remember him; quite a cutie and decent tipper." She chewed gum loud and hard. She blew a bubble, which Dean fought valiantly not to pop. "He left with his order a long ass time ago, kid." She scrunched her brow.

"Did he leave with anyone? Did he look fine to you?" Dean tapped his right thumb on top of the Formica countertop.

Jamie, the waitress shrugged her shoulders. "He seemed really happy and left the diner with a big smile on his face."

Dean felt like crying. If something happened to Castiel; it must have taken place during his way back to the hotel. He gave Jamie a wobbly smile and thanked her. His heart plummeted, as he made his way back to the hotel. He pulled at his hair, when he returned to the room.

He'd prayed to God on his way back for Cas to be safe and sound, once he got back to the hotel. No such luck. The room was dark and empty. Dean felt scared all of a sudden, being alone in the room. He checked his phone again for any missed texts or calls from his boyfriend. Dean's vision blurred. He wiped his eyes. He called Bobby.

"Singer here," Cas' dad said. In the background, Dean could hear Missouri playing a game with Alfie and Zoey.

Dean swallowed hard. "Bobby?" His voice cracked.

"Dean, is that you boy?"

"Yes, uhm."

"What's wrong? Is Castiel ok?"

"Bobby...Cas is missing." Dean sobbed.

"What do you mean he's missing? I thought my boy was going to surprise you with a romantic stay at the new French place." Dean heard Missouri tell the toddlers to quiet down, and ask Bobby what was going on.

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