Chapter Seventeen The First Date

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When I came back from my hunting an shopping I pulled up to my home to notice a note on the door. Thinking that someone kidnapped Autumn and Kaden I began to panic some. I used my vampire eye sight to read it. It turns out Autumn keep her promise about having a Nerf war. This should be interesting.

I will say this she made it easy but I don't think she intended too. Sometimes I think her energy level goes up an down then back up again after a short break. I can only guess what it's gonna be like when she is turned. It's too soon for her because she is only sixteen. Yeah I have a young beloved that can be sensitive at times.

The only reason I know more about her than the first several days is because I went through her brothers memories of her. I also found out that if you keep pissing her off your ass gets handed to you. The guy that Kaden mentioned one day about him loosing his big an bad image he definitely did. Autumn put his ass on the ground and gave him some broken bones.

Tonight I was going to ask Autumn out on a date. I hope she likes either Italian or whatever. I bought her a white an coral color dress and a pair of black flats. "Seth we need to talk." Kaden said as he came into the living room. "About what Kaden?" I asked confused. "About what needs to be taken care of." He said while giving me the serious look.

"Kaden, Seth!!" Autumn yelled our names. I got to her room before Kaden did. "What's the matter love?" I asked as I looked around for any danger. "Something or someone is outside watching me and I don't like it." She said still looking out the window trying to locate the thing or person. I use all of my sense to see if there is anything or anyone close by. As it turns out it is the Kevin boy.

"It's Kevin isn't it?" She asked as her skin lost all color. I pulled her way from the window an Kaden closed the curtains in the room. I looked at Kaden an sent an image of what I saw to him. Being the king has its benefits I have many powers an that is one of them.

Using my full vampire speed I went to the top floor an in a room with no windows in it. "Seth how did the sick sadistic bastard find me?" Autumn asked still losing more color if that's even possible. "He won't bother you anymore love. Kaden has gone to take care of him." I said while picking her up and placing her on my lap an held her. Whatever he did to her wasn't good if it has her react like this.

"Would you like to go on a date with me love?" I asked hoping it would cheer her up. "I would love to bam bam." She replied as she lend against me getting comfortable.

"We have to leave around six this evening. Is that alright with you boo?" I asked her while putting my chin on her head. "That's fine bam bam. It three now so I have time for a short nap." She said while trying to crawl off my lap. "Yes we do have time for a short nap." With that being said I pulled her down with me.

She soon fell into a peaceful sleep before Kaden came in covered in dry blood. "Little bastard bit the dust." Kaden said. "Why is there hickeys on my sister's neck?" I gave him a look that said what the hell are you talking about. "Don't play dumb with me Seth you the only person that would do that!" He snarled at me.

"Chill Kaden it's nothing to get worked up about. Besides I'm taking her out on a date tonight so let her rest." I said nicely. "Over my dead body Seth." He growled at me. His body began to shake violently an his eyes changed from grey to gold. Shit he's a werewolf.

"Kaden calm the hell down. You'll wake up your sister." I tried to reason with him. "Autumn already knows about us." Kaden's wolf spoke. "Autumn if my half sister, her mother was human an my father is a werewolf. There was a fifty fifty chance of Autumn being human or werewolf. As you can see she is human, her genes are dormant."

I have never heard of this before usually when a werewolf has a human mate their children are half wolf half human. "How is that even possible?" I asked while looking down at her. "For Autumn it was a fifty fifty because of the complications. Father worried for both his mate an unborn which is my stepmother an half sister." Kaden said as his eyes went back to grey.

Autumn could of been a werewolf, but the fates decided to make her stay human. "KADEN OR JOSH SHUT THE HELL UP!!" Autumn yelled her eyes still closed. We both looked at he like what the hell. "Get out Kaden/Josh I have a date later." She said this time not as harshly. "Your not going without me baby sis." Kaden and his wolf said. Let me tell ya his voice was creepy with his wolf in the mix.

"Only if you are in wolf form for ten days." She said with a smirk forming on her angel soft lips. "Fine, but no leash." He replied. Wait a leash what the hell does he mean by no leash.

She and Kaden fought back an forth until she jumped him. I was to busy looking back an forth between the two I didn't hear everything thing. Kaden's eyes were no longer grey they were gold. As I stood up he growled at me. "Mush Josh mush!" Autumn said as she pulled out a collar and a lead rope. Oh wait a lead rope what the FUCK?

Kaden shifted into his wolf an Autumn jumped on him an tied up his mouth. He tried to shake her off it only made her laugh. In the end Autumn won the struggle. It was one of those moments when you need a camera to take a picture of the funniest thing you ever seen.

She had him looking like a horse minus the pad an saddle, oh an the briddle. She used the lead rope as a homemade bridle. She was sitting on his back an looked at me. "Race ya to the kitchen bam bam." She giggled out.

They left the room my cellphone rang. It was an unknown number so I cautiously answered it. "Hello?" I said. "Love you too big brother." John replied. Shit what does he want now? "Hi John what's up?" I asked casually. "Nothing much just want to meet my new sister in-law." John said back.

"Well not tonight I have a date." I said before hanging up on him after he was done talking. I looked at my watch an it read 5:40 ten minutes before I have to leave an take Autumn on the date.

When I was all done I walked down the stairs finding Autumn in the pretty dress I bought for her. Kaden in his wolf form. His big butt is to big for the car so we have to take my bronco truck. "Alright let's get moving. We went to the garage an got in the truck. Well I should say I hot in the truck because Autumn was in the bed of the truck with Kaden.

At several stop lights we got complements for the pretty dog we had with us. Haha Kaden growled at then everytime it was funny.

"Is Olive Garden?" I asked Autumn. She smiled an shook her head yes. According to her brother she hasn't ever been to Olive Garden before so I'm taking her. We walked in an waited for our turn to receive a table.

"How many?" The greeter asked. "Two people and one dog." I said with my arm wrapped around Autumn's waist holding her close to me. Kaden lend against her an wagging his massive tail. "Would you like to be seated outside on the padio sir?" He asked us. "Yes please." I replied nicely. He looked up at me then to my beloved an looked her up an down.

He led us to our table an had us seated. We ordered our drinks including Kaden he got doctor pepper. The waiter didn't know that to think of that but he didn't seem to mind much. "Autumn I wanted to ask you something, but I didn't know what you would say so I waited until know. Will you Autumn Blaze be my girlfriend?" I asked while on one knee. Kaden gave me a warning look then nudged Autumn with his nose.

"Yes I will!" She said happily and hugged me. For the first time in many many decades I feel warm inside again. It's like I'm slowly turning human when I near her. People around gave us either happy looks or disapprovel. Like I give a fucking damn what they think all that matters is my beloved Autumn.

When the greeter guy came out I was holding Autumn's hands over the table top. The look on his face says it all. He was hoping that we were just friends so he could ask her out. Haha no bitch she chose me. Kaden growled menacingly at him an took a protective stance in front of his sister an my girl.

"This is the best date I ever had." Autumn said as she blushed and turned her head in an attempt to hide it. "Don't hide your blush from me love." I said gently as I made her look at me. Her beautiful blue eyes sparkled in the light. When people say eyes are windows to the soul they are right when it come to Autumn. My sweet caring lovable girl that is mine forever.

This date went better than I have expected. Autumn an I enjoyed ourselves an Kaden on the other hand occasionally growled at me warningly. Well it wasn't just Kaden that was watching his grey eyes were mixed with gold, which means his wolf is half out and watching as well. What a perfect watch dog. (Note the sarcasm)

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