Chapter 8 - Feyre

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I was so confused "What is a blood oath?" I asked.

"It's a thing in our world, one person pledges themselves to another, usually a ruler, the person pledging themselves drinks the rulers blood and it creates a connection, some people abuse the blood oath, bend the person to their will and get them to do anything, whether or not they want to. If you break the oath, it kills you."

Tears ran down Aelin's cheeks.

"Fenrys broke his oath to the person who held me by following me here, the only way I could save him was to offer him the oath to me and order him to live. My mate is also blood sworn to me because he wanted to give a final fuck you to his old queen, Aedion wants to take it, has done since I was born, he was five." Aelin's voice was shaking by the end.

"Aelin's blood bond feels lighter, gives me more freedom than my old ruler, she also won't make me kill people just to spite someone else." Fenrys added, now sat next to Aelin, holding her as she cried.

He was massive compared to her, a bit like Cass looks massive compared to Amren.

I looked at my family, I had no idea what to do to help these people.

"Aelin, why is it you that needs to die?" I asked.

"My ancestor screwed up; a curse was put on the household." She replied quietly.

"Aelin, you don't have to die." Amren piped up.

"And how exactly did you come to that conclusion?" Aelin half snapped.

"Feyre is also a decedent from Elena, gifted with all of the High Lords power, if you, her and Dorian all forge the lock together then all three of you will live." She replied calmly.

We both stared at her in shock. "Are you sure?" Aelin asked "I never said that Elena was the ancestor that screwed up." She added as an afterthought.

"I'm Elena, I'm the one that screwed up in the first place, I know who my own damn decedents are, I wasn't going to tell you at first but screw the consequences." Amren snapped, obviously fed up.

"You can't be." Aelin replied, looking extremely shocked, I wasn't paying much attention, I was related to Amren?

Amren wordlessly stood, walking over to Aelin and placing a finger to her forehead. A blue mark shone under her touch.

She walked over to me next, repeating what she had done to Aelin, from everyone's faces I knew I had the same mark.

"Great, I'm related to Amren." I sighed.

Mor began laughing and was soon joined by Cassian.

"I'm curious, how are you related to me?" I asked.

"I'm you great grandmother." She replied with a wince.

"Well, that's closer than me, I'm just some distant niece." Aelin said.

"So, how does this lock thing work?" I asked, I needed to know.

"So originally I needed to give all of my power and therefore my life to put three slithers of stone back in a gate which will end the war in my home." She told me.

"Ok, and if I do it with you it won't kill you, or me, right?" I asked, looking at Amren.

"And Dorian, Feyre, go and grab some stuff, your Illyrian armour would be helpful, put the stuff you might need in the pocket dimension, you can access it while you are there." She told me.

I stood and began walking up to our room, Rhys following.

"Are you sure about this Feyre?" he asked, looking concerned.

"Very, I won't do anything crazy, I promise." I told him, pulling him to me and holding on tight.

"Come on, let's get you ready" He said with a smile.

I put my Illyrian leathers on, so I was ready, Rhys strapped a blade down my back, and I fastened a belt of daggers around my waist.

"Here, take some paper and we can write notes." He said with a small smile.

"Ok, I will keep you updated I promise." I looked him in the eye as I said it.

"Come back to me Feyre." He whispered.

"I'll make it a bargain." I said with a wink.

We clasped hands and I felt a tingle on my chest. I went over to the mirror and pulled the front of my top down a little, on my collar bones there were sixteen dots, eight on each side, then in the middle where they meet was a star.

"Now I have to." I said with a grin.

"Mor is going to want to give you a lecture before you go." He laughed as we walked back downstairs.

Aelin was now in her own set of Illyrian leathers and looked ready to go.

"Feyre, I was going to give this to you at Winter Solstice but now that you are going, I'm giving it to you now." Cassian told me, stepping forwards.

"Winter Solstice is months away, we only just had Summer Solstice. Also, the fact you are giving it to me now scares me." I told him, hands on hips.

"It shouldn't, I made you your own siphon, not one to wield power, but one to hold armour, like mine does, it fits in the centre of your chest." He said, producing a beautiful pale blue stone, similar to the colour of my eyes.

He pressed it to my leathers and it just seemed to fuse to the fabric.

"Tap it twice and your armour will cover you, your leathers with go to a pocket dimension until you tap the gem again." He took a step back.

"It's beautiful Cassian, I love it." I pulled him into a hug, and he hugged me back with a chuckle.

"Don't get yourself killed Feyre," Mor told me, pulling me into a tight hug.

"I just promised Rhys that I would come back, we made a bargain." I said with a wink.

"Come on Feyre, you need to go," Amren told me.

She drew some marks on the walls and stepped back as the wall became swirling darkness.

I joined hands with Aelin, Fenrys on her other side and we stepped through together.

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