The Science of Reality Shifting

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Read on..... and learn how quantum physics makes shifting possible, and how spirituality and self-awareness are natural and scientific. Discover the scientific theories behind parallel timelines and holographic universes, learn about scripting and clones, and discover how reality shifting is based upon scientific principles. Ignore the haters, forget the doubt, and you too will live the life you want to do, in your Desired Reality. We hope reading this book will inspire you to shift successfully. Shifting is real. Shifting is logical. The Universe has got your back! - GO FOR IT and READ ON!!!


Whenever news agencies to run articles about reality shifting quoting "ShiftTok" (shifting TikTok), they are invariably authored with scientific scepticism or negative sneering commentary which not just trivialises but wilfully disgregards personal spiritual experiences as false memories, lucid dreams, maladaptive daydreaming, brain short circuiting, or mental illness. Very often such articles whimsically refer to a "shifting trend", subtly diminishing shifters as the gullible victims of delusion with preconceived perceptions of what is and what isn't real. Brought-up in a world where there is only reality, older generations find themselves incapable of opening their minds to possibilities of an infinite and shiftable multiverse.

If you happen to be new to shifting, to shift realities means to switch your consciousness from one version of yourself into another physical version of yourself inhabiting an alternate universe. Your bodies in both universes remain distinct, separated irreconsilably by time band space, however meditation and other mind-focusimg techniques allow you to transfer your awareness from one reality to another. Historically, reality shifting, or quantum jumping, are not new concepts, but informed reworkings of ancient practices of manifestation which changed the outcome of life via mind-reprogamming.

Modern reality shifting methods were pioneered from the 1960s onwards, and following the advancement of theoretical physics, they are as scientifically as spiritually inspired, utilising multimedia audio technology to program hypnotic suggestions, subliminal messages, binaural beats, sound waves and positive affirmations to assist shifters to temporarily or permanently transcend to their desired reality, methods often encorporating methodical scripts designed to fine-tune specific realities to the needs of shifters.

Shifting communities involve people of all religions, and none, who realise there is far more to consciousness than the experts understand. While the dogmatic worldview of organised religion demands the routine acceptance of pre-concieved ideas regarding the universe, life sciences are equally as grounded in preconcieved dogmatic notions of reality, psychologists and biologists quick to dismiss anybody challenging their worldview as "irrational", "illogical" and "stupid", just because spiritually cannot be studied under a microscope.

Reality shifting might be described from time to time as "trendy" or the "in-thing", but it has a long way to go before it is widely accepted as feasible by the scientific and religious establishment, however, just because older and more highly respected minds than you choose not to believe it, doesn't mean it is not real. When it comes to spritual matters, personal belief should shape your worldview as much as what others want you to believe. Never be bullied by friends, family, loved-ones, teachers, religious leaders or scientists to disregard your own freedom of thought. Life on this planet is about discovery, and making your own choices or decisions, rightly or wrongly, so can advance as loving, caring and positive human beings.

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